Ship Via/Item Header Report

Use this report to review the shippable orders for one or all ship vias broken out by item, including total orders, total units, and oldest arrival date.

How to print: Select Print List at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen (includes all ship vias in your company) or the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen (includes only the ship via you had selected at the first screen) These screens are available through the Ship Via/Item Inquiry menu option (SVII).

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         date and time the Ship Via/Item information was last updated, and the user ID of the person who processed the update

         code and description of each ship via, if you generated the report from the first screen, or of the ship via you selected, if you generated the report from the second screen

         for the ship via:

         item code and SKU, if any

         item description

         total number of shippable orders

         total number of shippable units

         earliest arrival date for all shippable units or orders

         total shippable orders and units for the ship via

         total shippable orders and units for all ship vias, if you generated the report by selecting Print List at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Note:             An order may be counted more than once in the Total orders column if there is an override ship via for one or more items on the order.

Ship Via/Item Detail Report

Use this report to review the total number of shippable orders and units for a particular ship via/item combination broken out by arrival date.

How to print: Select Print List at the Third Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.

How to print:


         date and time the Ship Via/Item information was last updated, and the user ID of the person who processed the update

         code and description of the ship via

         item code and SKU, if any

         item description

         for each arrival date:

         total number of shippable orders

         total number of shippable units

         total number of shippable orders and units for the ship via/item combination

An order may be counted more than once in the Total orders column if there is an override arrival date for one or more of the same order lines for the selected item.

