Source Code Upload File Processed Listing

Purpose: This report displays records in the Source Upload Table (IXSRCE) that did not contain errors. When a source upload record does not contain errors, the system deletes the record from the Source Upload table and creates a Order Management System source code. You can review the source codes in Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

How to print: Select Process File at the Work with Source Code Upload File Screen (WSRW).

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Source code (a code used to identify the source code created from a source code work record.  This code is defaulted from the Source code field in the Source Upload table).

         Source code description

         Division (the division code is validated against the Division table).

         Promotion (the promotion code is validated against the Promotion table).

         Offer (the offer code is validated against the Offer table).

Source Code Upload File Exception Report

Purpose: This report displays records in the Source Upload Table (IXSRCE) that contain errors. The records remain in the Source Upload table until the errors are corrected or the record is deleted. You can correct the errors on the Change Source Code Upload File Screen (1 of 2).

How to print: Select Process File at the Work with Source Code Upload File Screen (WSRW).

For more information: See the  sample report    in PDF format.


         Source code (a code used to identify the source code created from a source upload record.  This code is defaulted from the Source code field in the Source Upload table).

         Source code description

         Division (the division code is validated against the Division table).

         Promotion (the promotion code is validated against the Promotion table).

         Offer (the offer code is validated against the Offer table).

