Order Management System Application Configuration

Purpose: Use the following property files on the Order Management System application server to define configuration settings for Order Management System.

         CWDirectCP Server Properties File

         Application Properties File

For more information: See:

         Admin Properties: See Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) for more information on the properties that an administrator would update.

         Customer Properties: See Working with Customer Properties (PROP) for more information on the properties that a user would update.

CWDirectCP Server Properties File

The system updates this file during the installation process; however, there are some settings that Cloud administration staff may wish to change to fit your configuration requirements.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the application server at domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/cwdirectcp_server.properties, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

To edit the file: Cloud administration staff can review and update this file using a text editor, being careful not to change any of the settings except those indicated below.

If Cloud administration staff make any changes to the Order Management System properties file, Cloud administration staff must restart Order Management System before the changes take effect.




If this setting is selected, periodic processes can run on this server at system startup. Typically, Cloud admin staff would select this setting in the properties file on a single server. See Running a Periodic Process on Server Startup for a discussion.


The HTTPS protocols required to communicate with an external system such as Order Broker and Vertex.

An example of the setting is: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 

Application Properties File

The system updates this file with settings on the application server; you would typically not change the settings in this file.

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the application server at domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/application.properties, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.




The name of the application without any version information included.


The location of the application folder on the server.


The version information of the product not including the patch level.


The patch level of the application.

