Understanding Enterprise Manager Security

The PeopleSoft Application Management Plug—in relies on Oracle Enterprise Manager's security framework for most security features.

Enterprise Manager identifies administrators to manage the Enterprise Manager administration accounts. These are the administrator access categories:

Field or Control



This is considered the regular Enterprise Manager administrator.

Super Administrator

This is considered the most powerful Enterprise Manager administrator with full access privileges to all targets and administrator accounts within the Enterprise Manager environment. Only super administrators can perform administrative operations on regular administrator accounts.

Repository Owner

This is the database administrator for the Management Repository. This account cannot be modified, duplicated, or deleted.

From the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console, you can create and manage new administrator accounts. Each administrator account includes its own login credentials, and a set of privileges that are assigned to the account.

Important! In the current version of the PeopleSoft Application management Plug-in, roles are not supported. The PeopleSoft AMP only reads the system and target privileges that are added directly to the user. It does not currently recognize system and target privileges assigned to a user by way of a role. As such, system and target privileges must be added directly to the user account for managing PeopleSoft targets.