Understanding the Discovery Process

Discovery is the process of an agent identifying predefined target types, registering them in Enterprise Manager, and collecting their target properties and initial configuration data. The agent sends this data to the Oracle Management Service, which processes the data and loads it into the Management Repository. From there, Enterprise Manager can access data about the target to monitor and manage it.

Note: Discovery requires that the Enterprise Manager user be assigned the role of a super administrator.

The following steps outline how to initiate the discovery of PeopleSoft targets:

  • From the PeopleSoft homepage, click Add Targets where you select the target types to be discovered. Specify the host, discovery path for PS_HOMEs, PS_CFG_HOMEs, and PIA_HOMEs, and subdirectory crawl depth.

    See Adding Targets

  • From the Target Credentials page, enter the credentials for the host where discovery executes.

  • Select a target from the list of the PeopleSoft targets whose databases are discovered to register the specific target in Enterprise Manager.

  • Enter the information required to connect to the PROCESSREQUEST web service.

  • Identify and register the Process Monitor target.

  • Set environment variables for platforms requiring them, and add a PeopleSoft application database (discovering a PS Application Database target).

    See Adding and Registering Targets.

Note: With the Logical Grouping feature, consider the implications of your choices on the final steps of the discovery process. In the final steps, the interface displays all the targets that the discovery process located. The note on that last screen mentions that you need to click the OK button for the discovered targets to become organized into Logical Groups for display on the All PeopleSoft Targets page. If the you do not click OK, then all the targets discovered will display within the Unlinked Targets node. You can organize the targets later into the correct logical grouping structure by using the Associate Unlinked Targets to Logical Groups option on the Setup Logical Grouping screen.

The PeopleSoft Application Management Plug—in supports the login shell for the user who installed PeopleTools or created domains. This requires the user profile (.profile) to be set prior to discovery of PeopleSoft targets. You must, first, setup the environment variables for PeopleSoft target discovery either in .profile or psemenv.sh script.

Login shell support provides these advantages:

  • Automatic discovery of the PS Application Database.

  • Setting environment variables for each Tuxedo-based domain is not required.

  • Less environment related issues.

When using a login shell, consider the following:

  • There is an additional step to create a user profile either in the .profile or psemenv.sh if one does not exist(if one does not exist).

  • Only Bourne compatible shells (like sh, bash, and so on) are supported.

  • Interactive login profiles are not supported.