Metric Data Collected

Metric data refers to the collection of data that changes frequently, such as status, memory, disk utilization, and so on. PeopleSoft delivers predefined metric types and default collection times for each target type. The metrics can be viewed by clicking the All Metrics link on each target homepage.

The metric data collected is saved to the Management Repository and is compared to predefined thresholds for each target. If a threshold has been reached, the system generates an alert. The Incidents display on each target's homepage.

Target Type

Attribute Name

Collection Schedule


PS Application Database


10 minutes

Checks the status of the PS Application Database

PS Application Server Domain


1 minute

Checks the status of PS Application Server Domain

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for App Server

10 minutes

Monitors the number of PSAPPSRV processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for BRK Dispatcher (if enabled)

13 minutes

Monitors the number of PSBRKDSP processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for BRK Handler (if enabled)

14 minutes

Monitors the number of PSBRKHND processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for PUB Dispatcher (if enabled)

12 minutes

Monitors the number of PSPUBDSP processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for PUB Handler (if enabled)

15 minutes

Monitors the number of PSPUBHND processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for SUB Dispatcher (if enabled)

16 minutes

Monitors the number of PSSUBDSP processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

# of Process Queued for SUB Handler (if enabled)

17 minutes

Monitors the number of PSSUBHND processes queued for a PS Application Server Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold is reached.

PS Application Server Domain

PSAPPSRV Handler Count

5 minutes

Monitors the number of active PSAPPSRV processes. Generates Incidents if the count is above the specified value.

PS Application Server Domain

Total Tuxedo Connections

5 minutes

Counts the number of Tuxedo connections to the PS Application Server Domain. Generates Incidents if the count is above the specified value.

PS Application Server Domain

Failed Processes

5 minutes

Shows the number of server processes that are down within a domain. The domain configuration should be verified against the server status. It generates Incidents if the failed processes count is greater than or equal to 1.

PS Application Server Domain

JSH Aborts

5 minutes

Shows the number of application server domain JSH Aborts. If the value exceeds the threshold, the system logs and alert.

PS Application Server Domain

JSH Load

5 minutes

The number of JSHs loaded. Formula for this count is:

(Sum of Bgn values for JSH handlers in the client status) - (Sum of Cmmt values for JSH handlers in the client status).

If the value exceeds the threshold, the system logs an alert.

PS Application Server Domain

WSH Aborts

5 minutes

Shows the number of PS Application Server Domain WSH Aborts. If the value exceeds the threshold, the system logs and alert.

PS Application Server Domain

WSH Loads

5 minutes

The number of WSHs loaded. Formula for this count is:

(Sum of Bgn values for WSH handlers in the client status) - (Sum of Cmmt values for WSH handlers in the client status).

If the value exceeds the threshold, the system logs and alert.

PS Application Server Domain

PS Application Server Client/Queue Server/Status

Real time

Displays the status of the client, queue, and server elements of the domain. This is equivalent to using the Domain Status menu options in PSADMIN.

PS Application Server Domain

Long Running Service Request Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of Service Requests that are long running (more than 10 secs). Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds pre-defined thresholds

PS Application Server Domain

Memory Usage

1 hour

Monitors the memory footprint used by App Server processes. Generates alerts when it exceeds the pre-defined threshold.

PS Application Server Domain

Tuxedo File Count

1 day

Monitors the number of tuxedo files created in temporary directory. This is an indicator of Tuxedo memory queue size. Generates alerts when it exceeds the pre-defined threshold.

PS Application Server Domain

Memory Usage Growth

15 minutes

Monitors the memory footprint growth pattern of the App Server. Generates alerts with multiple levels of severity if the number of spikes in memory usage growth exceeds pre-defined thresholds

PS Application Server Domain

PeopleTools State Files Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of PeopleTools State files generated in the domain logs directory. Generates alerts if the count exceeds a pre-defined threshold.

PS Application Server Domain

Tuxedo Service Error Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of Tuxedo Service errors in the App Server log files. Generates alerts with multiple levels of severity if the count exceeds pre-defined thresholds.

PS Application Server Domain

Paging Count

15 minutes

Monitors the paging activity on the AppServer. Generates alerts if the paging is happening very frequently.

PS Application Server Domain

App Server Queues Wait Count

15 minutes

Monitors the count of App Server Queues experiencing wait times. Generates alerts with multiple levels of severity if the count exceeds pre-defined thresholds.

PS Application Server Domain

IB Queue Flowing

15 minutes

Monitors the movement of the IB Queue. Generates alert if it is stuck.

PS Application Server Domain

Heavy Transaction Activity

15 minutes

Monitors heavy transaction activity to file system. Generates alert if the heavy activity persists for more than a pre-defined period of time.

PS Application Server Domain

App Server Restart Error Count

15 minutes

Monitors if there are App Server restart related errors in the log files. Generates alerts if there are any such restart errors in the logs.

PS Application Server Domain

Low Disk Space

1 day

Monitors the disk space in the host on which the database, App Server or PIA targets exists is running. Generate alert if the disk space is low.

PS Application Server Domain

Archive TraceSql Files

1 day

Monitors the TraceSql files that are huge or old that requires archiving. Generates alerts if such files exist.

PS Application Server Domain

Archive Old Log Files

1 day

Monitors existing old log files that is to be archived. Generates alerts if such files exist.

PS Application Server Domain

Highly Frequent GC Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of highly frequent (within 15 seconds apart) Garbage Collections that are occurring in Web Servers. Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds the pre-defined thresholds.

PS Application Server Domain

Health Status

15 Minute

Monitors the Target Health Status.

PS Application Server Domain

Load Status

15 Minute

Monitors the Target Load Status.

PS Application Server Domain

Cumulative Queue Depth

1 Hour

Monitors the total queue depth of all Queue Servers.

PS Application Server Domain

Total Server Count

15 Minute

Returns the count of servers participating in a domain

PS Application Server Domain

System CPU Load

15 Minute

Monitors the System CPU Load of domain

PS Application Server Domain

System Mem % Used

1 Hour

Monitors the System Memory usage of Domain Host

PS Application Server Domain

PS_CFG_HOME File System % Used

1 Hour

Monitors the File System Memory usage of PS_CFG_HOME, shows how much percentage of memory is free in the File System.

PS Application Server Domain

Queue Server Details

1 Hour

Monitors the Throughput, Current Queue Depth and Server Count of Queue Servers

PS Application Server Domain


3 Hours

Monitors the total count of Log files of a domain

PS Application Server Domain


1 Hour

Monitors the Usable space of PS_CFG_HOME File System

PS Application Server Domain

BBL Service Status 

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the BBL Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSSAMSRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSSAMSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active

PS Application Server Domain

PSRENSRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSRENSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSBRKDSP Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSBRKDSP Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSBRKHND Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSBRKHND Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSSUBDSP Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSSUBDSP Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

JSL Service Status 

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the JSL Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSSUBHND Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSSUBHND Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active

PS Application Server Domain


1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSANALYTICSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSPPMSRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSPPMSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

PSQCKSRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSQCKSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

WSL Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the WSL Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Application Server Domain

Micro Focus License Manger Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the Micro Focus CES Daemon Process. Generates the alert if the Daemon process is not running.

PS Application Database Domain

Low Disk Space

1 day

Monitors the disk space in the host on which the database, App Server or PIA targets exists is running. Generate alert if the disk space is low.

PS Process Scheduler Domain


1 minutes

Checks the status of PS Process Scheduler Domain.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

# Queued Processes for Process Scheduler (PSPRCSRV)

15 minutes

Monitors the number of PSPRCSRV processes queued for a PS Process Scheduler Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold has been reached.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

# Queued Processes for Distribution Server (PSDSTSRV)

15 minutes

Monitors the number of PSDSTSRV processes queued for a PS Process Scheduler Domain. Generates an alert if the defined threshold has been reached.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Failed Processes

5 minutes

Displays the current number of failed or down server processes within the domain. It generates Incidents if the failed processes count is greater than or equal to 1.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

PS Server Queue/Server Status

Real time

Displays the status of the queue and server elements of the domain. This is equivalent to using the Domain Status menu options in PSADMIN.

PS Process Scheduler

PS Process Scheduler Log Monitor

5 Minutes

This metric contains the details of the limit on the number of sub folders inside the Peoplesoft Process Scheduler Log Location .An alert message is generated if the number of sub folders exceeds the os_limit.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Health Status

15 Minute

Monitors the Target Health Status.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Load Status

15 Minute

Monitors the Target Load Status.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Cumulative Queue Depth

1 Hour

Monitors the total queue depth of all Queue Servers.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Total Server Count

15 Minute

Returns the count of servers participating in a domain

PS Process Scheduler Domain

System CPU Load

15 Minute

Monitors the System CPU Load of domain

PS Process Scheduler Domain

System Mem % Used

1 Hour

Monitors the System Memory usage of Domain Host

PS Process Scheduler Domain

PS_CFG_HOME File System % Used

1 Hour

Monitors the File System Memory usage of PS_CFG_HOME, shows how much percentage of memory is free in the File System.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

PSDSTSRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSDSTSRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

PSAESRV Service Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Process Status of the PSAESRV Process. Generates the alert if the process is not active.

PS Process Scheduler Domain

Long Running Request Count

1 Hour

Monitors the number of Service Requests that are long running (more than 10 secs).

Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds pre-defined thresholds.



1 minute

Checks the status of PS PIA.


Highly Frequent GC Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of highly frequent (within 15 seconds apart) Garbage Collections that are occurring in Web Servers. Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds the pre-defined thresholds.


Fatal Error Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of fatal errors in the servlet logs. Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds the pre-defined thresholds.


WAIT State Socket Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of Web Server Sockets that are in WAIT State. Generates alerts with multiple severity levels if this count exceeds the pre-defined thresholds.


GC Frequency

15 minutes

Monitors the frequency with which garbage collection happens in the Web Server. Generates alerts with multiple levels of severity if the frequency of garbage collection exceeds pre-defined thresholds.


Web Profile Load Error Count

1 hour

Monitors the number of Web Profile Load errors in the Web Server log. Generates alert if the error count exceeds pre-defined threshold.


Low Disk Space

1 day

Monitors the disk space in the host on which the database, App Server or PIA targets exists is running. Generate alert if the disk space is low.


Health Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Target Health Status.


Load Status

1 Hour

Monitors the Target Load Status.


System CPU Load

15 Minute

Monitors the System CPU Load of domain


System Mem % Used

1 Hour

Monitors the System Memory usage of Domain Host


Java Memory Statistics

1 Hour

Monitors Java Heap and Non Heap Memory usage, committed memory details.


Embedded JVM G1 Old Generation

1 Hour

Collects the JVM GC Collection Time and Collection Count for the Old Generation


Embedded JVM G1 Young Generation

1 Hour

Collects the JVM GC Collection Time and Collection Count for the Young Generation


Thread Pool Details

1 Hour

Monitors Thread Pool Details of PIA server domain, this metric will monitor Thread Pool's Throughput, Queue Length, Total Count, Idle Count, Hogging Count, Standby Count and Stuck Count


TCP Host network Statistics

1 Hour

Monitors Host Network statistics of PIA Domain, this metric will monitor Host Network's TCP Sockets In Close Wait State, TCP Sockets In Established State, TCP Sockets In FIN Wait1 State, TCP Sockets In FIN Wait2 State and TCP Sockets In Time Wait State


Jolt Service Statistics

1 Hour

Metric to Monitor Jolt Service Statistics of PIA Domain, this metric monitors Jolt Average Total Service Time, Throughput and Total Request Count.


Jolt Session pool Statistics

1 Hour

Monitors Jolt Sessions Available and Jolt Sessions are in use at runtime.


HTTP Channel

1 Hour

Monitors HTTP Channel Runtime details, this metric will monitors Bytes Received Count, Bytes Sent Count, Messages Received Count and Messages Sent Count through HTTP Channel


HTTPS Channel

1 Hour

Monitors HTTPS Channel Runtime details, this metric will monitors Bytes Received Count, Bytes Sent Count, Messages Received Count and Messages Sent Count through HTTPS Channel


Process CPU Load

1 Hour

Monitors Process CPU Load of PIA Server

PS Web Site


1 minute

Checks the status of PS PIA where the PS Web Site is connected.

PS WebSite

PS FTP Log Monitor

5 Minutes

This metric contains the details of the limit on the number of sub folders inside the Peoplesoft PIA FTP Location .An alert message is generated if the number of sub folders exceeds the os_limit.s

PS WebSite

PS Reports Monitor

5 Minutes

This metric contains the details of the limit on the number of sub folders inside the Peoplesoft PIA Report Repository Location .An alert message is generated if the number of sub folders exceeds the os_limit.s.

PS WebSite

Report Repository Size

1 day

This is also called PS Reports Monitor in PeopleSoft plug-in.

PS WebSite

PS FTP Log Monitor

5 Minutes

Monitors the Sub Folders count of Log files and Generates the alert if configured limit exceeds.

PS WebSite

PS Reports Log Monitor

5 Minutes

Monitors the Sub Folders count of PS Reports of site and Generates the alert if Sub folders count exceeds the configured limit.

PS Process Monitor


1 minute

Checks the status of the PS Process Monitor.

PS Process Monitor

# of Running PeopleSoft Processes

30 minutes

Monitors the count of running processes (Run Status = Processing) in the last 1 hour.

PS Process Monitor

# of Successful PeopleSoft Processes

30 minutes

Monitors the count of successfully completed processes (Run Status = Success) in the last 1 hour.

PS Process Monitor

Failed count

30 minutes

Displays the failed process count using Reporting web service. Run Status include "Error" and "No Success." Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Not Posted count

30 minutes

Displays the process count of those not posted. Distribution Status is "Not posted." Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Processes posted for more than 15 minutes

30 minutes

Displays the processes count for processes in the posting state for more than 15 minutes. Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Batch Processes stuck count

30 minutes

Checks the processes which are stuck. Run Status would be "Processing" for more than 30 minutes. Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Pending processes count

30 minutes

Checks the processes which are pending. Run Status would be "Queued" for greater than or equal to 30 minutes. Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Initiated but pending processes count

30 minutes

Checks the processes which are initiated but pending. Run Status should be "Initiated" for greater than or equal to 30 minutes. Generates Incidents if the metric value exceeds threshold value.

PS Process Monitor

Failed PS Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the failed processes using Reporting web service. Run Status include "Error" and "No Success."

PS Process Monitor

Initiated But Pending PS Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the processes which are initiated but pending. Run Status should be "Initiated" for greater than or equal to 30 minutes.

PS Process Monitor

Not Posted PS Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the processes that are not posted. Distribution Status is "Not posted."

PS Process Monitor

Pending Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the processes which are pending. Run Status would be "Queued" for greater than or equal to 30 minutes.

PS Process Monitor

Posting For More Than 15 Minutes Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the processes that are in the posting state for more than 15 minutes.

PS Process Monitor

Stuck PS Process Metrics Data

Real time

Displays the processes which are stuck. Run Status would be "Processing" for more than 30 minutes.

PS Process Monitor


Real Time

The number of processes which have the Run Status of "Queued" and have a Run Date and Time more than 30 minutes old and have not been assigned to any server yet.

PS Process Monitor

PS Process Scheduler Suspended Status

5 Minutes

This metric contains the details of the Process Scheduler domains that are active but not responding. The Process Monitor is used for determining the hang status of the process scheduler domains. The collection interval is 5 minutes. This metric would determine the number of servers in the hang state and appropriately display the alert message as "The server(s) is(are) not responding".

To activate the metrics establish the JMX connection. In the psappsrv.cfg file, scroll to the PSTOOLS section to update the following:

  • Enable Remote Administration = 1

  • Enter admin as the remote administration User ID.

  • Enter {V1.1}7m4OtVwXFNyLc1j6pZG69Q== as the remote administration password.

    Note: Enter the password either in plain text or encrypt using PSCipher

Note: The AppServer Minimum Process Count Value is implemented as a compliance rule that is applicable to PS Application server . A violation is generated if the Appserver’s minimum process count value is less than 5.

Note: WAIT State Socket Count, GC Frequency, Fatal Error Count are not applicable to WebSphere domain.