Understanding PeopleSoft Application Database Targets

The PeopleSoft Application Database target type refers to the database that contains the PeopleSoft application. The application database target type is not intended to manage the underlying database (RDBMS) itself. However, depending on your database type, Enterprise Manager may provide additional management and monitoring features.

If the database is Oracle, you can monitor and manage the database by selecting Targets > Database from the Enterprise Manager page.

Note: If you have backed up, and then restored a database, you must set the GUID in the database to blank before attempting the discovery process.

To get the current value of the database GUID, execute the following SQL Statement:

select GUID from PSOPTIONS

Then, depending on your database syntax, execute the appropriate update statement to set the GUID column in PSOPTIONS to ' '. For example:

update PSOPTIONS set GUID = ' '

The next time an application server connects to the database, the system generates a new unique GUID for that database.