Using the PSEMENV.SH Script for Setting Environment Variables

This section discusses using the script for setting environment variables instead of the .profile.

PeopleSoft Add-on Target Discovery and Target Management processes for UNIX and Linux environments need relevant environment variables (like PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, TUXDIR, ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN etc) to be set on the host machine in the .profile file. Some environments have customized the .profile file with interactive prompts designed so for interactive login sessions. However, PeopleSoft Add-on Target Discovery and Target Management processes prefer the .profile to be non-interactive (as in, not prompting for user inputs).

If you do not want to modify your .profile to accommodate the PeopleSoft Add-on Target Discovery and Target Management processes, PeopleTools provides an alternate mechanism to set the required environment variables. This enables you to set all the required environment variables needed for Target Discovery and Target Management in a script named

To use

  1. Navigate to the file set enableProfile = false:

    • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.discovery.plugin_13.

    • AGENT_HOME/plugins/oracle.apps.psft.agent.plugin_13.

    Note: The enableProfile property in file is set to true by default, which means the PeopleSoft Add-on process will read the environment variables from the .profile file by default. You need to set the property, enableProfile, explicitly to false if you want the PeopleSoft Add-on process to read the environment variables from script instead.

  2. Create the script file named under the User HOME folder or in PS_CFG_HOME folder.

    This script file should have all the relevant environment variables necessary for PeopleSoft Add-on Target Discovery and Target Management. Alternately this script file can be created both under User HOME and PS_CFG_HOME folders, with some common environment variables set in the script under User HOME folder and some PeopleTools version specific environment variables set in the script under PS_CFG_HOME folder.