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Account Fields

Use the Account Edit page to add an account or update details for an existing account. The Account Edit page shows the complete set of fields for an account.

TIP: You can also edit accounts on the Account List page and the Account Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize your application in a variety of ways, such as changing names for record types, fields, and options in drop-down lists. Therefore, the information you see onscreen might differ from the standard information described in this table.

Account records are central to how you manage and view your data. As a result, you should enter as much information about accounts as you can. Some of that information, such as Region or Industry, can be used in reports as a way to categorize information. Similarly, if you link a record, such as an opportunity, to an account record with Region or Industry filled in, those opportunities can be categorized by those values.

The following table provides additional information regarding some fields.



Key Account Information

Account Name

Name of the account. To avoid duplicate records, make sure you follow the naming conventions your company has set up for abbreviations, capitalization, and so on.


Type of facility operated by the account at this site, such as Headquarters.

Parent Account

Company that the account is a subsidiary of.

Web Site

URL address for the account.

Account Sales Information

Account Type

Relationship of the account to your company, such as Prospect, Customer, Partner, or Competitor.

Note: Accounts designated as a Partner or Competitor appear under the All Competitor and All Partner Accounts lists available from the Account Homepage.

They are also included in the list of accounts you can link to other accounts or opportunities from the Account or Opportunity Detail page. At that point, you can define the exact role that the account plays, such as Reseller, Vendor, or Partner, and track the partner and competitor information for every account and opportunity.


Priority for the account, such as High, Medium, or Low.


Type of business engaged in by the account, such as Manufacturing, High Technology, Financial Services, Retail, Automotive, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications, Energy, Services, or Other.

If you want to view report information, such as opportunities, by Industry, select an Industry for the account and then link the opportunity record to the account.

Public Company

Indication that the account is a publicly-owned company.


Region the account falls under at your company. If you want to view report information, such as opportunities, by Regions, select a Region for the account and then link the opportunity record to the account.


The status of the account. You can use this field to record a status for the account. A number of sample values are provided by default, but your company administrator can add or change values to meet your company’s business needs.

Last Call Date

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


Health Industry Number. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Influence Type

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Call Frequency

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Source Campaign

The campaign that generated the account. If the account is created through the lead conversion process, this field is automatically populated from the Campaign field on the lead record. If the account is created by a user, the user can enter the information in this field.

Annual Revenues

Amount of the company's annual revenue.

Market Segment

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Market Potential

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

YTD Revenue

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Market Share

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


Indication that the account can be used as a reference for potential customers or sales representatives to contact.

Reference as of

Date the account becomes a reference.

Account Partner

Indication that this account is a partner.

Number of Physicians

Number of physicians working at a health care site, such as a hospital or clinic. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.


This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Additional Information

Billing and Shipping Addresses

Selecting a country determines the labels for the remaining address fields, according to that country's address convention. You might see the screen refresh to adjust the field names.

If you add a contact and link it to this account, the Billing address for the account is carried over to the Account address section for that contact.

NOTE: If shared addresses are set up for your company, the billing and shipping addresses are read-only, and the address fields change to meet the requirements for shared addresses. For more information on shared addresses, see Addresses.


The alias of the owner of the account record.

Generally, the owner of a record can update the record, transfer the record to another owner, or delete the record. However, your company administrator can adjust the access levels to restrict or expand a user's access. To reassign ownership of an account record, you must have the Read/Edit access level setting for the record.

NOTE: If group ownership is enabled for your company, then the group team members automatically change if the new owner of the account is a member of a different group.

The value in the Owner field affects which records are included in the reports that you or your managers run.

You can share account records with other users through the Account Team page. For information about sharing records with other users, see Sharing Records (Teams).

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.

Reassign Account

Indicates that the account should be reassigned. If your company administrator has set up account assignment rules, selecting this field triggers the assignment manager in Oracle CRM On Demand to process the account again and assign it according to the rules. The assignment manager can reassign records only to users. It can reassign records only if the record type is configured in the user mode or mixed mode of record ownership. The assignment manager cannot reassign records if the record type is configured in book mode. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.

NOTE: The processing time for reassigning records can vary depending on the complexity of your company's assignment rules, the number of records to be reassigned, and the current system load. In the case of accounts, the processing time is also affected by the number of team members and the number of contacts and opportunities associated with the record. The owner name changes when the record is reassigned.


Territory that this account belongs to.


Additional information about the account. This field has a limit of 16,350 characters.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information:

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