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Leads Fields

Use the Lead Edit page to add a lead or update details for an existing lead. The Lead Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a lead.

TIP: You can also edit leads on the Leads List page and the Lead Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize your application in a variety of ways, such as changing names for record types, fields, and options in drop-down lists. Therefore, the information you see onscreen might differ from the standard information described in this table.

The following table provides additional information regarding some fields.



Key Lead Information


For a company, corresponds to the account name.


The email address of the lead. For information about the characters that are supported for use in email addresses, see About Special Characters in Email Addresses.

Never Email

Indication of the lead’s preference to receive emails or not.

Opportunity Related Information


Status of the lead, such as Qualifying, Qualified, Converted, Rejected, and Archived. Can only be changed on the Lead Edit page, not on the New Lead page.

For more information about this field’s values and their meanings, see Status Field Values below.


Scale rating as set up by your company, such as A = Hot, B = Warm, C = Cool, and D = Cold.

Product Interest

Product or service in which the lead expresses interest.

Potential Revenue

Potential revenue, in the currency selected by you or your company administrator.

Estimated Close Date

Date and time the lead is expected to close.

Next Step

Description of the next step to take.


Source categories as set up by your company, such as Advertising, Direct Mail, Event, Promotion, Referral, Trade Show, Web, Partner, Purchased, Rented, and Other.


Campaign that generates this lead or is linked to this lead.


Industry category for the lead as set up by your company.

Annual Revenues

Annual revenue for the lead’s company.

Additional Information

Associated Account

Account linked to this lead. Required for converting leads to opportunities.

Associated Contact

Contact linked to this lead. Required for converting leads to opportunities.

Associated Deal Registration

Deal Registration linked to this lead. This field is automatically set when a lead is converted to a deal registration.

Associated Opportunity

Opportunity linked to this lead. Required for converting leads to opportunities.


The owner of the lead record.

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.

Owner Full Name

The owner of the lead record.

Reassign Owner

Indicates that the lead should be reassigned. If your company administrator has set up lead assignment rules, selecting this field triggers the assignment manager in Oracle CRM On Demand to process the lead again and assign it according to the rules. The assignment manager can reassign records only to users. It can reassign records only if the record type is configured in the user mode or mixed mode of record ownership. The assignment manager cannot reassign records if the record type is configured in book mode. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.

NOTE: The processing time for reassigning records can vary depending on the complexity of your company's assignment rules, the number of records to be reassigned, and current system load. The name of the lead owner changes when the record is reassigned.

Sales Person

The name of the sales person your company assigns to this lead.

Depending on how you associate an account with a lead, the Sales Person field on the lead might be updated automatically, as follows:

  • If you explicitly associate an account with a lead by selecting an account in the Associated Account field on the lead record, and if the account has an owner assigned to it, then the Sales Person field on the lead is automatically populated with the name of the owner of the account that you select, provided that the Auto-Update Sales Person Field When Associating Account on Lead Record setting is selected on the company profile. If that setting is deselected, then the Sales Person field on the lead is not automatically populated.
  • If you create a lead as a related record for an account, then the Associated Account field on the lead record is populated with the name of the account, but the Sales Person field on the lead record is not automatically populated, even if the Auto-Update Sales Person Field When Associating Account on Lead Record setting is selected on the company profile.


Additional information describing the lead. Limit of 16,350 characters.

Web Site

The web site linked to the lead.

Ownership Status

The current status of ownership for the lead.


This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Approximate Income

This is a currency field. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Date of Birth

This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.


This field is calculated from the Date of Birth field. This field is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Qualified Date

Automatically populated with the current date when the Status field is set to Qualified.

Status Field Values

As a lead moves through the lead management process, the lead Status field indicates where it is in the process. Status values are a main way of filtering leads. For more information about the lead management process, see Leads.

The following table lists the status field’s possible values.




Results from completion of the Archiving steps (Archiving Leads). Lead is determined to have no value to your company and is removed from the assessment process.


Results from completion of the Converting steps (Converting Leads to Accounts, Contacts, Deal Registrations, or Opportunities). Lead is determined to have enough value to become an opportunity.


Results from completion of the Qualifying steps (Qualifying Leads). Lead has passed the Qualify process. New owner becomes the salesperson assigned to the lead.


Results from completion of the Creating steps (Qualifying Leads). Lead has been created and is undergoing or about to start the Qualifying process. Owner defaults to the person who created the lead.


Results from completion of the Rejecting steps (Rejecting Leads). Qualified lead is determined not to have as much value as the evaluator originally thought.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.