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Sample Request Fields

Use the Sample Request Edit page to add a sample request or update the details for an existing sample request. The Sample Request Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a sample request.

TIP: You can also edit sample requests on the Sample Request List page and the Sample Request Detail page. For more information on updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides additional information regarding some of the sample request fields.



Key Sample Request Information

Order Number

A unique number that is assigned to each sample request order. Oracle CRM On Demand generates this number.


The Sample Request category. The default value for Type for a sample request record is Sample Request. You can choose the following values by using the picklist: Sample Request and Order.

NOTE: Your company administrator must set up this editable field to be available on the page layout because it is not available on the page layout by default.


The account that is associated with the sample request order.

This field is automatically populated. For more information, see About the Automatic Population of Sample Request Fields.


(Required) The contact that is associated with the sample request order. This field is automatically populated if the sample request is created from a call. For more information, see About the Automatic Population of Sample Request Fields. This field must be completed to create a sample request order. For more information, see Linking Sample Request Information to Calls.

Order Created

The date on which the sample request order was created.

Shipping Address

(Required) The address to which the sample request order will be shipped. You must select a contact or account before you can select an address. The address can be a non-shared address or a shared address that has been validated.

This field is automatically populated if the sample request is created from a call. For more information, see About the Automatic Population of Sample Request Fields. This field must be completed to create a sample request order. For more information, see Linking Sample Request Information to Calls.


The default value for this field is Pending. When you submit a sample request order for products, the value in this field changes to Submitted. The possible values for this field are:

  • Back Ordered
  • Booked
  • Created
  • Entered
  • Failed
  • In Progress
  • Pending
  • Processed
  • Received
  • Rejected
  • Shipped
  • Signed
  • Submitted
  • Voided

Additional Information


The person who created this sample request order record.

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.


The date and time when the sample request record was created.


The date and time when the sample request record was last modified.

Available Section


(Optional) A description of the order.

Related Information

See the following topics for related information about sample requests:

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