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Setting Up Picklist Filtering Based on the Allocation Records for a Sales Representative

Administrators can enable the filtering of picklists for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition items, such as products detailed, promotional items, samples dropped, message plans, and sample requests. When this filtering is set up, Oracle CRM On Demand filters the following picklist items displayed during a customer call (contact call, account call, or attendee call) by a pharmaceutical sales representative. Depending on the sales representative's allocation records, Oracle CRM On Demand applies the filtering to picklist items as follows:

  • The products that the sales representative can detail
  • The samples that the sales representative can drop
  • The promotional items that the sales representative can drop
  • The samples that the sales representative can request for a customer

If the filtering is not set up, then Oracle CRM On Demand does not filter these picklists by using the sales representative’s allocation records.

Before you begin. To enable the filtering of picklists, your user role must include the Manage Pharmaceutical Access and Manage Company privileges.

To enable picklist filtering based on the allocation records for a sales representative

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Life Sciences Management section, click the Other Life Sciences Related link.
  3. On the Life Sciences Related Preferences page, click the Life Sciences Related Preferences link.
  4. Select Enable Filtering of Product Selection by Sales Rep Allocation.

    By default, this setting is not selected.

Related Topics

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