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Accessing a Map for an Address

You can access a map for an address record from the following areas:

  • From within an address list or from the address section of a Detail page that contains an address section.
  • From the following fields, if the fields are available on the Detail page for the record type:
    • The Address field and Account Address field on the Opportunity record type
    • The Address field on the Custom Object record types
  • From a concatenated field that contains at least one Address field.
  • From any lists or Related Information sections containing Address fields.

Before you begin: To access the Maps page, you must have the Maps Integration privilege in your user role.

To access a map for an address

  1. Navigate to one of the following:
    • The address section, for example, the Billing, Shipping, or Primary address section in the Detail page for the following record types: Address, Account, Contact, Dealer, Partner, Broker Profile, Lead, User, or Household
    • The Detail page for the Opportunity record type or a Custom Object record type
    • The Addresses Related Item section in the Detail page for the Account, Contact, Dealer, or Partner record types
    • A concatenated field that contains at least one Address field, for example, a concatenated field on an account Detail page based on the following fields: Account Name, Account Type, Billing Address 1 and Shipping Country where Billing Address 1 and Shipping Country are Address fields from Billing and Shipping Address fields.
    • A list or Related Information section that contains an Address field
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For an address section in a Detail page, click the map icon in the address section.

      NOTE: The map icon is also available in the Billing and Shipping address sections in the company profile. Your company administrator maintains the company profile.

    • For an address on an opportunity or custom object record, click the map icon in the Address field or the Account Address field.
    • For an address list in the Addresses Related Item section, click Map from the drop-down list to the left of the address.

      NOTE: The Map link is not available in Address List pages.

    • For a concatenated field, click the Map icon to the right of the field.

      If the concatenated field contains address fields from more than one address, after clicking the Map icon, Oracle CRM On Demand will present a pop-up window where you can click the Map icon for the specific address.

    • For a list or Related information section that contains an Address field, click the Map icon to the right of the field.

      Oracle CRM On Demand opens a map for the address if the mapping functionality can resolve the address location from the address information, as follows:

    • If the address record contains a latitude and longitude but no other address information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the location for the latitude and longitude and displays the latitude and longitude when you hover over the pin.
    • If the address record contains the latitude and longitude along with other address information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the location for the latitude and longitude, and displays the address information when you hover over the pin.
    • If the address record contains address information but no latitude nor longitude, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the address location, and displays the address when you hover over the pin. If the mapping functionality cannot determine a location from the address information available, then it prompts you to choose an address from a list of suggested addresses determined from the available address information.
    • If the address record contains neither address information nor latitude and longitude information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens a map of North America.

      NOTE: Address sections in broker profile and lead records do not contain fields to hold latitude and longitude information. Consequently, clicking the Map icon in the address section for a broker profile or lead record always redirects you to the Maps page where the mapping functionality initiates a search for the concatenated address.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

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