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Adding Markup Text to Results

Use the Static Text view to add or edit markup text to appear with the results. You can add markup text that contains formatted text, ActiveX controls or JavaScript, sound bites, animation, specialized logos, and so on. The markup text may contain anything that is supported by your browser.

This section provides the procedure to add or modify a Static Text view and some examples of static text. If you find an example that is similar to what you want to do, you can copy it and tailor it to your needs.

To add or modify a Static Text view

  1. In the Results tab, perform one of the following actions:
    • To add a new static text view, click New View, and select Static Text.
    • To edit an existing static text view, click the Edit View button for the static text view.

      The workspace shows the Static Text view.

  2. Enter the markup text into the text box.

    To make text appear bold, in italics, or underlined, click the appropriate button to insert the beginning and ending HTML tags, and then type the text between the tags, or select the text first and then the formatting button.

    NOTE: To include a line break, use the Line Break button. Pressing Enter does not result in multiple lines of text.

    The following table describes several examples.

    Static Text View Example

    Description and Usage Notes

    HTML text

    Paste or type the HTML (or appropriate formatted text) into the text box. You can also click the HTML tag buttons. Based on the format of the text you are entering, markup tags may be used to control the format of the text. The following are some examples of what you can do:

    • To set font size and color:

      <FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="red">Red Text</FONT>

    • To combine tags for additional effects:

      <B><FONT COLOR="red">Bold Red Text</FONT></B>

    ActiveX object

    The Active-X object must be self-contained and supported by your browser. Paste or type the object into the HTML Text window, making sure to include the beginning and ending tags <object...> and </object>.

    JavaScript or VBScript

    The script must be self-contained and supported by your browser. Paste or enter the script into the text box, making sure to include the beginning and ending tags <script> and </script>.


    Make sure you know where the audio clip is located. If the audio clip is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive accessible to all users.

    Use the HTML tag <EMBED> to add audio, in the following format:

    <EMBED SRC="audio" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>


    • "audio" is the location and name of the audio clip.

      To add an audio clip located on your hard drive, the following HTML is an example:

      <EMBED SRC="c:\mycomputer\MIDIfiles\wakeup.mid" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

      To add the same audio clip from a shared location on your Web server, the following HTML is an example:

      <EMBED SRC="" AUTOSTART="true" LOOP="true" HIDDEN="true"></EMBED>

    Background image

    The following example uses JavaScript.

    Make sure you know where the image to use as the background is located. If the image is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive or Web site accessible to all users.

    If the image is located in a shared dashboard files folder, the following is example HTML:

    <script language="javascript"> document.body.background = ""NameOfGraphic";</script>


    • NameOfGraphic is the name of the file to use, such as bricks.gif or sand.jpg.
  3. To apply cosmetic formatting to the font used in the static text view, click the Format View button.
  4. To import the font formatting from a previously saved view, click the Import Formatting from Another Analysis button, and navigate to the saved view.

    Note: You can import formatting from reports that have formats from Step 2 (Creating Layouts). Formatting from Step 1 (Defining Criteria) cannot be imported.

  5. When you are finished, click OK.
  6. Save the report.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.