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Adding Messaging Plan Item Relations

You can add a messaging plan item relation to a messaging plan item. A messaging plan item relation is a presentation item that provides optional information to support the primary messaging plan item. For example, if the main item shows the side effects for a new drug, optional related information might show the side effects of an older class of drugs. If the theme from the main item is that a clinical trial had good results, optional details might show numbers from the clinical trial. For more information on messaging plan item relations, see Messaging Plan Item Relations.

NOTE: If you do not see the Messaging Plan Item Relations related item section in your Contact Detail page, add this related item section, as described in Customizing Related Item Layouts, or contact your company administrator.

To add a messaging plan item relation to a messaging plan item

  1. From the Messaging Plan Item Detail page, scroll to the Messaging Plan Item Relation section, and click New.
  2. Complete the fields, as described in Messaging Plan Item Relations Fields. Save the record.

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