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Example of Combining Multiple Subject Areas in a Single Analysis

This topic provides one example of how you might combine multiple subject areas. In this example, the Opportunities and Partners subject area is combined with the Opportunity Product Revenues subject area so that you can display the opportunity with opportunity partner records, and for each opportunity partner record, display the opportunity product revenue records associated with the opportunity as well.

NOTE: To combine multiple subject areas in a single analysis, your user role must have the Cross-Subject Areas Analytics privilege.

  1. Create a new analysis using the Opportunities and Partners subject area.

    The Opportunities and Partners subject area becomes the primary subject area for the analysis.

  2. Click the Add/Remove Subject Areas icon and add the related subject area Opportunity Product Revenues.
  3. Add columns from one or more of the following common dimensions: Account, Account Territory, Campaign, Opportunity, Owned By User, Primary Contact.

    For example, from the Opportunities and Partners subject area, add the Account ID, Account Name, Opportunity ID and Opportunity Name columns. Note that you select all of the columns from the common dimensions from only one subject area. In this example, they are selected from the Opportunities and Partners primary subject area.

  4. Add columns from one or more the following local dimensions:
    • From the Opportunities and Partners subject area, add columns from the Opportunity Partner, Relationship Contact, and Territory dimensions.
    • From the Opportunity Product Revenues subject area, add columns from the Opportunity Product Revenue, Product, Product Category, and Quota dimensions.

      For example:

      • From the Opportunities and Partners primary subject area, add the following columns from the Opportunity Partner dimension: Account Name, Account Type, and Region.
      • From the Opportunity Product Revenues related subject area, add the Start/Close Date and Probability % columns from the Opportunity Product Revenue dimension, and add the Product Name from the Product dimension.
  5. Add metrics from both the primary subject area and the related subject area.

    For example:

    • From the Opportunity Metrics folder in the Opportunities and Partners primary subject area, add Number (#) of Opportunities.
    • From the Opportunity Product Revenues Metrics folder in the Opportunity Product Revenues related subject area, add Number (#) of Products.

      NOTE: If you click the Results tab at this point, you will see that the analysis as it is currently set up returns an ODBC error instead of actual results. This is because the analysis uses local dimensions in addition to common dimensions. When the analysis uses local dimensions, you must enable the dimensionality variable and apply the SQL.

  6. Click the Advanced tab, select the Dimensionality check box and then click Apply SQL.
  7. Click the Results tab.

    The analysis now returns the results that join the records from the Opportunities and Partners subject area with the opportunity product revenues records.

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