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About Drop Targets in View Editors

The Layout pane in a view editor can contain one or more drop targets, depending on the view type. A drop target is an area where you place one or more columns to specify the position and purpose of the columns in the layout.

The drop targets are as follows:

  • View-type Prompts. For example, Table Prompts for a Table view. The fields in this drop target provide an interactive result set that enables users who view the analysis to select the data that they want to view. The values from the columns that are displayed in this drop target are used as the initial criteria. In a view, these values are displayed in a drop-down list for selection.
  • Sections. The fields in this drop target populate the areas that divide the view into sections. In Graph, Gauge, and Funnel views, you can choose to display the columns that you drop in the Sections drop target as a section slider rather than as individual sections, by selecting the Display as Slider check box.
  • View-type area. For example, Table for a Table view. This drop target simulates the plot area or the body of the view itself and assists you in seeing what the view looks like. For a Table view, this area contains the Columns and Measures drop target, which contains all the columns in the view. In a Table view, all measures are treated as columns. For all other views, this area contains the following drop targets:
    • Measures drop target. The fields in this drop target populate the part of a view that contains summary data. Depending on the type of view, this area might include a single Measures drop target (for example, for Pivot Table views) or might contain sub-drop targets (for example, the Bars and the Lines sub-drop targets for line-bar graphs). You drag and drop measure columns to these drop targets.
    • Excluded. Fields in this drop target are columns that are excluded from the view results but remain as part of the analysis.
    • Other drop targets. Other drop targets are used to summarize the columns in the Measures drop target or targets. The other drop targets that are displayed in a view depend on the type of view as described in the following table.


      Drop Targets

      Pivot Table

      Includes the following drop targets:

      • Columns. Shows a column in a column orientation. Pivot Table views can contain multiple columns.
      • Rows. Shows a column in a row orientation. Pivot Table views can contain multiple rows.


      Rows. Shows the columns that are displayed in the gauges.

      Bar, line, area, line-bar, time series line, pareto, scatter, or bubble graph

      Includes the following sub-drop targets within the main drop target. The target names differ depending on the graph type. For example, Group By is Bubbles for bubble graphs and Points for scatter graphs:

      • Group By. Clusters the axis labels into groups. For example in a vertical bar graph whose criteria includes the Region, District, and Dollars column, if this drop target contains the Region column, then the data is grouped by region on the horizontal axis.
      • Vary Color By. (Not enabled for pareto graphs.) Shows each column value or column value combination in a different color.

      Radar graph

      Radar Sections. Shows column values as points on each line along a radius of the circle.

      Pie graph

      Includes the following drop targets:

      • Pies. Shows each column value or column value combination as a separate pie.
      • Slices. Shows each column value or column value combination as a separate slice of the pie.

      Waterfall graph

      Group By. Clusters the axis labels into groups.


      Stage. Shows each column value as a stage in the funnel.


      Includes the following drop targets:

      • Columns. Shows a column in a column orientation. Trellises can contain multiple columns.
      • Rows. Shows a column in a row orientation. Trellises can contain multiple rows.

        Includes the following sub-drop targets within the main Visualization drop target for Simple Trellis views:

      • Group By. Clusters the measures into groups.
      • Color By. Shows each measure in a different color, for example, in a vertical bar graph of a trellis, all the bars for one measure are blue while the bars showing another measure are red. In a scatter graph, use this drop target to vary the points by color. In a bubble graph, use this drop target to vary the bubbles by color.
      • Bar Axis. In a line-bar graph comparing two measures, for example revenue and billed quantity by region, shows one of two measures, such as Revenue.
      • Line Axis. In a line-bar graph comparing two measures, for example, revenue and billed quantity by region, shows one of two measures, such as Billed Quantity.
      • Pies. In a pie graph, adding a dimension here creates multiple pies.
      • Slices. In a pie graph, shows measures as slices of varying colors within pies.
      • Points. In a scatter graph, shows dimensions as points. Each dimension value is shown as one point.
      • Horizontal Axis. The measure values control the horizontal position of the values. In a scatter graph, you can drop one measure in this target. In a bubble graph, each measure in this drop target is shown as one bubble.
      • Vertical Axis. In a scatter graph, shows one of two measures, such as a point. In a bubble graph, shows one of three measures as a bubble.
      • Bubbles. In a bubble graph, shows measures as bubbles of varying size.
      • Size. In a bubble graph, shows one of three measures as the size of a bubble.

        Includes the following sub-drop targets within the main Visualization drop target for Advanced Trellis views:

      • Areas. In a spark area microchart, shows columns displayed as areas.
      • Bars. In a spark bar microchart, shows columns displayed as bars.
      • Lines. In a spark line microchart, shows columns displayed as lines.

      Performance Tile

      Measure. Shows the specific value of the column that displays on the tile.


      Includes these drop targets:

      • Group By. Represents the top level of hierarchical data that is sliced to produce or describe a container of aggregated values. The aggregated values display as rectangular tiles.
      • Size By. Represents the distribution of the tiles within their parent. The size of the children is always equal to the size of their parent.
      • Color By. Represents a distribution of values across all of the tiles at the same level.

In addition, each view-type area, except for the Table area, Waterfall Graph area, Pareto Graph area, Treemap area, and Trellis (Simple) area, contains the Measure Labels element. The Measure Labels element represents the labels for all the measures columns in the drop targets in the Measures area. You can modify how a measure label is shown in a view by dragging the Measures Labels element from one drop target and dropping it in another. For example, in a vertical bar graph, you can show each measure label in a different color by dragging and dropping the Measure Labels element to the Vary Color By drop target. In Pivot Table views, you can also edit the format of measure labels or hide them.

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