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Designing a Filter

You can create named filters that you can reuse in multiple analyses and dashboards. By creating a reusable named filter, you are making the analyses and dashboards designed by yourself and others both more consistent and easier to create.

To create a named filter:

  1. From the Analytics Home page, pull down the New menu, and choose Filter.
  2. In the Select Subject Area dialog, choose the subject area for which you want to create a filter.
  3. From the Subject Areas pane of the Filter editor, double-click a column for which you want to create the filter.
  4. In the Operator field of the New Filter dialog, choose an operator for the filter. The operator list from which you can choose is populated based on the type of column that you selected.
  5. In the Value field, specify one or more values to use when applying the filter or condition. You can:
    • Type values, using a semicolon to separate the values.
    • Select values from the list or calendar.
  6. To search for specific values, click Search in the list box. The Select Values dialog is displayed, where you can search for and select values.
  7. Click the Add More Options button to add a SQL expression, Session Variable, Repository Variable, or a Presentation Variable to the filter. Note that if you are setting the filter's value with a SQL expression or variable, then leave the Value field blank.
  8. Select the Protect Filter box to protect the filter's value from being overridden by a matching prompt's value or when the user navigates to another report within the analysis. When you navigate from one report to another report within an analysis, any prompt values that you specified in the first report can be transferred to the second report.
  9. To convert the filter to SQL statements, select the Convert this filter to SQL box.

    The Advanced SQL Filter dialog is displayed.

    Note: This is a one-way conversion. After you select the Convert this filter to SQL box, you can no longer view and edit the filter in the Edit Filter dialog.

    After you convert the filter to SQL statements, you can only view and edit the filter item as SQL statements in the Advanced SQL Filter dialog.

  10. When you are finished specifying the filter's criteria, click OK.
  11. Click Save.
  12. In the Save As dialog, navigate to a folder to save the filter in, fill in the Name (maximum 512 characters) and (optional) Description fields, then click OK.

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