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Specifying Right-Click Interactions for Users

You can specify which options are available in the menu that opens when users right-click on certain views in an analysis. For example, you can specify that menu options are available to allow users to move columns, to include columns, and to exclude columns.

These right-click interactions allow users to customize an analysis to show the data that is of most interest to them. When the analysis is part of a dashboard, users can save their customized version of the analysis so that they do not have to customize the analysis each time they view the dashboard.

The following types of right-click interactions can be enabled for an analysis:

  • Drill. Allows users to drill into the data when drilling is not set as the primary interaction for a particular column.
  • Move columns. Allows users to move the columns, to change the order of the columns, or to move the columns into sections or table prompts.
  • Sort columns. Allows users to sort the data in columns.
  • Add or remove values. Allows users to choose to keep only certain data, or to remove certain data.
  • Create, edit, or remove groups. Allows users to create groups by selecting the column values that they want to be part of the group.
  • Create, edit, or remove calculated values. Allows users to create calculated items, by selecting the column values that they want to be part of a group and then selecting the formula for the calculated item.
  • Display or hide subtotals. Allows users to add subtotals after each record, or add the grand total.
  • Display or hide a running sum. Allows users to display or hide a running sum. In a running sum, each consecutive cell for a measure displays the total of all previous cells for that measure.
  • Include or exclude columns. Allows users to include or exclude columns.

The right-click interactions take effect in Pivot Table, Table, Treemap, and Trellis views at runtime. Not all right-click interactions are available for each view type at runtime.

NOTE: The right-click interactions that are supported for a view are always available to you in the analysis editor. However, only the right-click interactions that you enable are available at runtime and when you preview the analysis.

To specify which right-click interactions are available for users

  1. In the Results tab or the Criteria tab of the analysis editor, click the Edit Analysis Properties icon in the toolbar.
  2. In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Interactions tab.
  3. Make your selections and then click OK.
  4. Save the analysis.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.