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Working with Analytics in a Separate Browser Window

If your user role has the Manage Custom Reports privilege, then you can open a browser window that is separate from your main Oracle CRM On Demand browser window, and work with your analyses in the new window. Working in a separate browser window is particularly useful when you are working with a large analysis that has many columns and rows, because in the pages where the horizontal scroll bar, the Catalog pane, and the View pane appear, they are always visible. You do not need to scroll down the page to access them.

To work with analytics in a separate browser window

  • In your Oracle CRM On Demand browser window, in the Analytics tab, click Open Analytics in New Window.

When working in a separate browser window, note the following points:

  • If an analysis is open in both your main Oracle CRM On Demand browser window and in a separate browser window, and if you edit and save the analysis in the separate browser window, then the analysis is not refreshed automatically in the main window. You must refresh the analysis to see the changes.
  • The book selector is not available in the separate browser window. If you want to select a book for the analysis, then you must select the book in the main Oracle CRM On Demand browser window.
  • If you drill down on an action link in an analysis in a separate browser window, then the record opens in the main Oracle CRM On Demand window.
  • If your Oracle CRM On Demand session times out in either of the windows, then the session also times out in the other window.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.