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Blocked Products

This feature is specific to Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition. Use the Blocked Product pages to specify that certain products are blocked for primary contacts. You create one blocked product record for each product that you want to block for a specified primary contact. You can view the products that are blocked for a contact in a read-only list in the Blocked Products related information section of the Contact Detail page.

What Restrictions Apply to Blocked Products?

The presence of blocked product records filters the products that you can select for products detailed, samples dropped, promotional items, and sample requests during a customer call. Blocked product records prevent specified blocked products from appearing on the list of products available in the following Call Detail related items:

  • Available Products to Detail
  • Available Samples to Drop
  • Available Promotional Items to Drop
  • Available Message Plans

Blocked product records also prevent the specified blocked products from appearing on the Product Lookup window on Products Detailed or Products Edit pages. If you do not want this filtering to occur, then do not populate blocked product records.

NOTE: In earlier releases of Oracle CRM On Demand, blocked product records did not filter the products available in the Call Detail related items or the Product Lookup window when completing a customer call. To prevent blocked product records that were created before Release 22 from filtering the available products in this release, you must delete those blocked product records.

Products Are Not Blocked at the Brand Level

To prevent all items for a product brand from being dropped or discussed in a sales call, you must block all the available items for the product brand, including promotional items, informational items, or product samples. For example, to block all product items associated with Drug X for the primary contact Dr. Smith, you must set up individual entries for each item that you want to block as rows of data in a Blocked Product record:

  • Dr. Smith - Drug X 400 mg
  • Dr. Smith - Drug X 200 mg
  • Dr. Smith - Drug X promotional leaflet
  • Dr. Smith - Drug X golf ball

Blocking products enables you to block some items for a product brand while not blocking other items. For example, you can block a primary contact from receiving samples of a drug, but you can allow the contact to receive promotional items about that drug, or you can allow the contact to receive 400 mg of a drug but not the 200-mg dosage.

Requirements for Blocking Products for a Primary Contact

To block products for a primary contact, your user role and access profiles must have the appropriate access to the Blocked Product record type. Also, the Blocked Product tab must be available for your role. To make the Blocked Product tab available to another user role, your user role must include the Manage Pharmaceutical Access privilege.

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