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Use the Campaign pages to create, update, and track campaigns. A campaign is the vehicle or project in which you convey a marketing message to one or more groups of people, including existing and potential customers. Typically, campaigns deliver a promotional offer to different channels of communication to retain current customers or to acquire new customers. The goal is to generate additional interest in company products and services.

Using campaigns enables you to do the following:

  • Store campaign information such as budgeted costs compared with actual costs, targeted leads, and marketing material (for example, brochures and artwork) in one place.
  • Share views of campaigns with the marketing team and share consistent campaign information with your sales team from the same location in real time.
  • See your campaign results by viewing leads and opportunities, which are generated for each campaign.
  • Use prebuilt reports to measure the results and determine the return on investment of your campaign activities in real time.
  • Make historical comparisons between current and past campaigns to identify trends.

Sales and marketing managers can import leads and link them to an existing campaign. Lead information must first be formatted in a comma-separated value (.csv) file.

Campaigns, Leads, Opportunities, and Contacts

During a campaign, you can generate multiple leads that are linked to the campaign. If you convert some of those leads to new opportunities, contacts, or accounts, the link to the campaign is carried over from the originating leads to the converted opportunities, contacts, and accounts. For example, Campaign A creates 100 leads, L1 through L100. You link each of these leads to Campaign A. Leads L1 through L90 never show potential for producing revenue. Leads L91 through L100 do show revenue potential, so you convert them to opportunities O1 through O10. Each of these opportunities is automatically linked to Campaign A by way of its originating lead. Several months later, you want to review the effectiveness of Campaign A. You view the Campaign A record and see that there are 100 leads and 10 opportunities linked to it. You can compare these results to past campaigns or to your expectations for this campaign, and make adjustments accordingly.

NOTE: If your company administrator adds custom fields for leads, those fields are not carried over to the opportunity records when the lead is converted to an opportunity or contact. An exception occurs if your company administrator sets up additional mapping through the Lead Conversion Mapping feature. For more information about mapping lead fields, see Mapping Additional Fields During Lead Conversion.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.