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Considerations When Importing vCard Files in Oracle CRM On Demand

The following considerations apply when you import vCard files to Oracle CRM On Demand:

  • If the value in a vCard property exceeds the field length that Oracle CRM On Demand supports, then the value is truncated in the contact record in Oracle CRM On Demand. For more information on Oracle CRM On Demand field lengths, see Field Type Guidelines for Importing Data.
  • You can import only the vCard properties that Oracle CRM On Demand supports.
  • If your vCard file contains more than one contact, then only the first contact in the vCard file is imported into Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • You cannot import a Contact image into Oracle CRM On Demand using vCard files.
  • If the corresponding Contact Detail field for a vCard property is read-only in Oracle CRM On Demand, then you cannot import the vCard property.
  • If shared addresses are set up for your company, then the address fields are read-only in Oracle CRM On Demand, and the address properties in the vCard file are not imported into Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • A vCard file property can be imported only if the corresponding field is part of the page layout in Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • You can import only files with the .vcf file extension into Oracle CRM On Demand.

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