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Customizing REST Integration Tags

Each record type has two REST integration tags that can be used by Oracle CRM On Demand REST API to access the record type (resource). One of the REST integration tags is the default tag for the record type. The default tag is language-independent and you cannot change it. You can customize the other REST integration tag. For example, if your company renames a record type or uses a custom record type, then you might want to customize the REST integration tag for that record type, so that the REST integration tag reflects the name of the record type.

An Oracle CRM On Demand REST API URL can access a resource using either of the REST integration tags, as shown in the following example URLs:



In these examples, default_integration_tag is a placeholder for the default integration tag, and custom_integration_tag is a placeholder for the customized REST integration tag.

The following procedure describes how to customize the REST API integration tags that you use in REST API URLs.

To customize REST integration tags

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click Application Customization.
  3. Click the Customize REST Integration Tags link.
  4. In the REST Integration Tags list, click the Edit link for the record type.
  5. In the REST Integration Tag field, enter the new name and click Save.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.