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Creating Custom Related Information Fields

A custom related information field is a field on a given record type that you can use to display the values from a field in a related record type. You can add the custom related information fields that you create to page layouts and to related information layouts. For an example of how to use custom related information fields, see About Custom Related Information Fields.

You can set up custom related information fields for the following record types:

  • Account
  • Account Contact
  • Activity
  • Campaign
  • Claim
  • Contact
  • Contact Portfolio
  • Custom Objects
  • Event
  • Household Contact
  • Insurance Property
  • Invitee
  • Involved Party
  • Lead
  • Objective
  • Opportunity
  • Opportunity Product Revenue
  • Partner
  • Policy
  • Policy Holder
  • Service Request
  • Solution
  • User

For custom related information fields, you configure only the following fields on the Field Edit page: Display Name, Related Information, Field Type, Related Record Type, ToolTip Text and Related Field. All other fields on the Field Edit page become read-only fields after you select the Enable Related Information check box.

NOTE: You can optionally set up a custom field of the Picklist field type to act as a related information field, or you can optionally set it up to take its list of values from another picklist field, but you cannot set it up to do both. For information about set up a custom picklist field to share values with another picklist field, see Creating Custom Picklist Fields with Shared Values.

If you change an existing custom field to make it a related information field, then the following happens on any record that contains the related information field:

  • If the record is associated with a record of the related record type, then the field is populated with the value from the field that you configure as the related field. If the field on the record already contains a value, then the value is overwritten.
  • If the record is not associated with a record of the related record type, then the value in the field is cleared.

If you change an existing custom related information field so that it is no longer a related information field, then on any record that contains the field, the existing value in the field remains unchanged. The field becomes editable.

The following procedure describes how to create a new custom related information field.

Before you begin:

  • Determine the field type of the field in the related record type whose values you want to display in the custom related information field that you are creating.
  • To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application privilege.

To create a new custom related information field

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Record Types Setup section, click the link for the record type in which you want to set up the custom related information field.

    For example, if you want to create a custom related information field in the Custom Object 04 record type to display the values from a field in the Contact record type, then click Custom Object 04.

  4. In the Field Management section, click record type Field Setup.
  5. On the record type Fields page, click New Field.
  6. On the record type Field Edit page, do the following:
    1. In the Display Name field, enter the name of the new field.

      You might want to give the custom related information field the same name as the field on the related record type. However, you can give the fields different names.

    2. In the Field Type field, select the type of field that you want to create.

      For example, if you want the new field to display the values of a number field from the related record type, then select Number.

      NOTE: You can create custom related information fields for all types of fields except Web link, concatenated, maskable, and multiselect picklist fields.

    3. Select the Enable Related Information check box.
    4. In the Related Record Type field, select the related record type.

      For example, if you are creating a custom related information field in the Custom Object 04 record type to display the values from a field in the Contact record type, then select Contact.

      NOTE: After you select both the field type and the related record type, all of the fields of the selected field type in the selected related record type are available for selection in the field called Related Field.

    5. In the field called Related Field, select the name of the field whose information you want the new custom field to display.
    6. Save the new field.
  7. (Optional) Enter a translation of the name of the new field, as follows:
    1. On the record type Fields page, from the Translation Language drop-down list, select the language whose translation you want to enter.
    2. Click the Edit link for the field whose name you want to translate.
    3. Enter the translation in the Display Name field, and click Save.

      The translated name appears in black text in the Display Name column.

      NOTE: You can also enter translations of the tooltip and description for the field.

    4. Repeat steps a through c for each language whose translation you want to enter.
    5. To continue working in the record type Fields page after you finish entering the translations, in the Language drop-down list, select the default language for your company.

When you save a new custom related information field, Oracle CRM On Demand automatically submits a request to initialize the new field. The initialization process populates the custom related information field on the records with the value of the corresponding field in the records of the related record type. You can view the status of the initialization request from the Related Field Initialization Queue page, as described in the following procedure.

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand does not send email to confirm that the initialization process has completed.

To view the status of an initialization request

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Data Management Tools section, click Related Field Initialization Queue.

    The Related Field Initialization Queue page appears with information about the initialization process.

You can add the new field to page layouts for the record type on which you created the field and to the record type's related information layouts for other record types. For example, if you create a custom related information field in the Custom Object 04 record type that displays the values from a field on the Contact record type, then you can add the custom related information field to page layouts for the Custom Object 04 record type and also to the related information layouts that are used to display custom object 04 records in the Detail pages for other record types, such as the Account record type, other Custom Object record types, and so on. For an example of using custom related fields in related information layouts, see About Custom Related Information Fields.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.