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Defining a Custom Fiscal Calendar

Your company administrator defines the fiscal calendar in Oracle CRM On Demand to conform to your company's fiscal year. Custom fiscal calendars are reflected in all reports, business plans, objectives, and user quotas.

NOTE: To configure the definition of the custom fiscal calendar, your role must include the Manage Company privilege.

To set up your company's custom fiscal calendars, you must do the following:

  1. Contact Customer Care to enable the use of custom fiscal calendars for your company.
  2. Define your company's fiscal calendars.
  3. Verify that the custom fiscal calendar is active within your company.

CAUTION: After you enable the custom fiscal calendar option for your company, you cannot disable this option. It is recommended that company administrators do not enable custom fiscal calendars unless they fully understand the features of fiscal calendars in Oracle CRM On Demand.

Custom Fiscal Calendars and Forecasts

When using custom fiscal calendars, your company's custom fiscal calendar definition is used in the generation of forecasts. Your company administrator must define custom fiscal calendar records prior to activating forecasts. Since forecasts can span more than one quarter in duration, it is possible that a forecast could include data from multiple fiscal years. Therefore, to ensure that sufficient data is available for the forecast series to be generated, a custom fiscal calendar must be created for each year your company wants to generate forecasts. In addition, your company administrator must update your forecast definition before the new custom fiscal calendar definition can be used in forecasts. If the forecast definition is not refreshed prior to the next forecast date, your forecasts are not generated. For more information on updating forecast definitions, see Updating the Forecast Definition.

To define a new custom fiscal calendar

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Fiscal Calendar Administration section, click the Fiscal Calendar Definition link.
  4. On the Fiscal Calendar List page, click New Fiscal Calendar.
  5. From the menu, select the fiscal year that you require.

    The name of the fiscal calendar is automatically populated in the Name field, for example, Fiscal Year 2009. This value is read-only.

    NOTE: You can specify a calendar name while you define a custom fiscal calendar, however you cannot modify names for custom fiscal calendars after they are defined.

  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Description. Add any extra information about the custom fiscal definition. This field has a limit of 250 characters.
    2. Fiscal Quarter 1. Click the calendar icons to indicate the start dates for each of the fiscal months in this quarter.
    3. Fiscal Quarter 2. Click the calendar icons to indicate the start dates for each of the fiscal months in this quarter.
    4. Fiscal Quarter 3. Click the calendar icons to indicate the start dates for each of the fiscal months in this quarter.
    5. Fiscal Quarter 4. Click the calendar icons to indicate the start dates for each of the fiscal months in this quarter.
    6. Additional information. Click the calendar icon to indicate the start of the next fiscal year.

      NOTE: A fiscal year cannot be greater than 99 weeks in length. If you enter a value for Next Fiscal Year Start that is greater than 99 weeks from the start date of the previous fiscal year, an error message prompts you to enter a correct value.

  7. Click Save.

NOTE: You must create fiscal calendars in sequence, for example, you must create the fiscal calendar for 2010 before you create the fiscal calendar for 2011.

Your new custom fiscal calendar definition is not reflected in Analytics until a nightly ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is run.

To view a fiscal calendar's detail

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Fiscal Calendar Administration section, click the Fiscal Calendar Definition link.
  4. On the Fiscal Calendar List page, click the name of the fiscal year for which you want to view the fiscal periods.

    The Fiscal Calendar Detail page displays the individual fiscal months for the selected year and the next fiscal year start date.

NOTE: If you are moving from a standard fiscal calendar to a custom fiscal calendar, your previous fiscal year records appear as read-only in the Fiscal Calendar List page and all future, fiscal-year records that Oracle CRM On Demand generates are deleted. For more information on standard fiscal calendars, see About Fiscal Calendars.

To edit your company's fiscal calendar

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Fiscal Calendar Administration section, click the Fiscal Calendar Definition link.
  4. On the Fiscal Calendar List page, locate the fiscal calendar that you want to update, and click Edit.
  5. Enter the new details for the fiscal calendar, and click Save.

    Any changes to a custom fiscal calendar definition are not reflected in Analytics until a nightly ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is run.

NOTE: If you have defined a custom fiscal calendar, you can change it by editing the existing calendar definition. However, fiscal calendars prior to the current fiscal year are read-only. You cannot delete custom fiscal calendars.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.