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Sample Disclaimers

Use the Sample Disclaimer pages to create, update, and track disclaimers for a company. When a sales representative captures a signature for a sample that has been dropped, the corporate disclaimer is presented to the physician to view.

A sample disclaimer is the text that is displayed to deny responsibility for certain adverse effects and reduce liability for a product sample that is dropped off to a physician or other health care professional. The wording of the text in each disclaimer is carefully written and approved by legal, marketing, or sample compliance officers from the pharmaceutical company, or both. In Oracle CRM On Demand, the text for only one sample disclaimer is active at any time for a company.

Oracle CRM On Demand supports two types of sample disclaimers:

  • Global. A global sample disclaimer contains one disclaimer record for each company instance. This disclaimer applies to all products provided as samples, and is displayed at the time of signature capture to confirm receipt of the product samples. Only one global sample disclaimer can be active at any time. This global sample disclaimer is the default type for Oracle CRM On Demand.
  • Multilingual. A multilingual sample disclaimer contains an unlimited number of sample disclaimers text records in multiple languages, which are grouped by the countries that apply to the disclaimer. Each disclaimer record consists of a header section, which includes the relationship code (which represents the derived name for the disclaimer), type, status, language, and country for the disclaimer, and a language-specific Related Disclaimer section that contains the translated disclaimer text required by the company. For more information on these fields and the Related Disclaimer section, see Sample Disclaimer Fields. More than one set of multilingual sample disclaimers can be active at the same time. Before you can use multilingual sample disclaimers, your company administrator must set up special page layouts as described in the Configuration Guide for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Customers typically start with only global disclaimers, and then they customize them to be multilingual as required. Although it is possible to have a hybrid of global and multilingual disclaimers, customers typically use only one type or the other.

NOTE: Your company administrator determines which tabs are available to you. If your job responsibility does not include tracking disclaimer information, the Sample Disclaimer tab might be excluded from your setup.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.