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The LookupName function in Expression Builder finds a row in the List of Values table where all of the following are true:

  • The TYPE field matches the type argument.
  • The CODE field matches the lang_ind_code argument.
  • The LANG_ID field matches the language code of the currently active language.

This function returns the untranslated value (the language independent code) of the display value in the specified List of Values.

TIP: When specifying the parameters for the LookupName function, click Show Acceptable Values to display the acceptable values for the field that you selected in the Fields list. (If a field is a picklist field, Show Acceptable Values displays all the options configured for that picklist. If a field is not a picklist field, Show Acceptable Values opens a window that describes the acceptable values for a variety of data that the field can hold.)


LookupName(type, lang_ind_code)

Result Type



The following table describes the arguments for the function.




The type of the row to be searched for.


The display value.


If CALIFORNIA is the display value and CALIF is the language independent code, both of the following examples return the value CALIF:



Related Topics

See the following topics for related Expression Builder information:

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