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Showing Results in Funnel Views

Use the Funnel view to show results as a three-dimensional graph that represents target and actual values and levels by color. Typically, Funnel views are used to graphically represent data related to stages in a process, such as the amount of potential revenue shown for each sales stage.

Funnel views are well suited for showing actual compared to targets for data where the target is known to decrease (or increase) significantly per stage, such as a sales pipeline. You can click on one of the colored areas to drill down to more detailed information.

In Funnel views, the thresholds indicate a percentage of the target value, and colors provide visual information for each stage. By default, the Funnel view shows the following:

  • All stages for which the actual value falls below the minimum threshold are colored in red.
  • All stages for which the actual value falls below the maximum threshold are colored in yellow.
  • All stages for which the actual value is greater than the maximum threshold are colored in green.

You can change the colors if you wish.

The following table describes the types of Funnel views that are available. The style of each can be either solid or gradient fill.




A Standard Funnel view uses a standard shape with equal stage widths.


A Non-Standard Funnel view uses a standard shape with unequal stage widths.

Last-Stage Only

A Last-Stage Only Funnel view uses a standard shape with equal stage widths. It is similar to a Standard Funnel view, except that the target value of every stage before the last stage is calculated based on the last stage target value and a constant called target factor.

The following procedure describes how to edit a Funnel view.

To edit a Funnel view

  1. If the view is not already in the compound layout, then add the view.

    For instructions on adding views, see Adding and Editing Views.

  2. In the Results tab of the analysis editor, click the Edit View icon for the Funnel view.

    The Funnel view editor opens.

  3. In the Layout pane, drag and drop columns into the drop targets as necessary.
  4. In the Settings pane, set the thresholds.

    The thresholds indicate a percentage of the target value. You can specify custom thresholds in percentages, or use dynamic thresholds. You can also change the colors that are used for each stage.

  5. Click the Edit graph properties icon in the toolbar.
  6. In the Graph properties dialog box, make your selections.

    You can specify the following:

    • Properties related to the graph canvas, such as width, height, and legend location
    • Properties that control the appearance of the graph, such as the style
    • Properties that control the display of titles and labels for the graph
  7. When you finish making your changes, click OK to close the Graph Properties dialog box.
  8. When you finish making changes, click Done to close the Funnel view editor.
  9. Save the analysis.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.