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Creating Appointments for Multiple Accounts

You can create an appointment for up to 25 accounts at one time by using the mass create appointment feature in Oracle CRM On Demand.

About Ownership of the Appointments

The Owner field for each appointment in the Account Mass Create Appointment page shows your name by default. You can select a different owner for each of the appointments, or clear the value from the Owner field, as necessary. The ownership of the appointments that you create is determined as follows:

  • If the Activity record type is configured in user mode, then the user who is selected in the Owner field for an appointment in the Account Mass Create Appointment page becomes the owner of the appointment.

    NOTE: If you clear your name from the Owner field for an appointment in the Account Mass Create Appointment page and you do not select another user, then you become the owner of the appointment by default, unless the Owner ID field is set up as a required field for the Activity record type. If the Owner ID field is set up as a required field for the Activity record type, and if you leave the Owner field in the Account Mass Create Appointment page blank, then the appointment cannot be created.

  • If the Activity record type is configured in mixed mode, then the Owner field for an appointment in the Account Mass Create Appointment page can be populated, or it can be blank, and the following happens:
    • If the field is populated, then the selected user becomes the owner of the appointment.
    • If the field is not populated, then the Owner field on the appointment is blank. However, the first time that the appointment is edited, the user who edits it might be prompted to populate either the Owner field or the Book field for the appointment, depending on how your administrator sets up these fields.
  • If the Activity record type is configured in book mode, then the Owner field for an appointment in the Account Mass Create Appointment page must be blank, that is, you must clear the value from the field. In addition, for the appointment to be created successfully, at least one of the following conditions must be true:
    • A custom book is selected as the default book for the Activity record type on your user record.
    • A custom book is selected as the default book on your user record.

      After you create the appointment, the Owner field and the Book field on the appointment are both blank. However, the first time that the appointment is edited, the user who edits it is prompted to populate the Book field, as this is a required field when the Activity record type is configured in book mode.

Use the following procedure to create an appointment for multiple accounts at one time.

To create an appointment for multiple accounts at one time

  1. If necessary, create a list of accounts or filter an existing list to show the accounts for which you want to create an appointment.
  2. If there are more than 25 records in the list, then change the value in the Number of records displayed field at the bottom of the Account List page to 25.
  3. On the Account List page, click Menu, and select Mass Create Appointment.
  4. On the Account Mass Create Appointment page, update the information for each appointment as necessary.

    The fields in the Account Mass Create Appointment page show the following values when you open the page:

    • Start Time. The start time and date are set to 12:00 P.M. on today's date.
    • End Time. The end time and date are set to 60 minutes after the start time and date.
    • Subject. This field shows the word Appointment, followed by the name of the account.
    • Owner. This field shows your name.
    • Account Name. This field shows the name of the account.
  5. Click Finish.

    NOTE: If an appointment cannot be created successfully for any one of the accounts listed in the Account Mass Create Appointment page, then none of the appointments are saved, and an error message is displayed.

  6. If you want to create an appointment for additional accounts in the list, then display the next page of the list and repeat this procedure as necessary.

After you create the appointments, each appointment is available as a related item in the Open Activities related information section of the Detail page for the relevant account. You can edit the appointment to update the appointment details in the same way that you edit other appointments.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.