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Obtaining Driving Directions

This topic describes how to obtain driving directions to addresses on the Maps page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: If your current location can be determined, then a pin indicates your location on the map that appears when you open the Maps page. If your current location cannot be determined, then a map of North America is shown.

Before you begin. To use the Maps page, you must have the Maps Integration privilege in your user role. In addition, your administrator must make the Maps tab available for your user role. If the Maps tab is not present in the tabs across the top of your pages in Oracle CRM On Demand after your administrator makes the Maps tab available to your user role, then you can add the Maps tab to your tab layout. For information about adding tabs to your tab layout, see Displaying Your Tabs.

To obtain driving directions

  1. Click the Maps tab.
  2. Add a starting point and destination for the driving directions, also known as the start point and stop point, using one of the following methods on the Maps page:
    • In the search pane, click the double arrows, and in the Directions tab, enter the address for the start point in the field labeled A, and then enter the address for the destination or stop point in the field labeled B.

      You must use commas to separate the elements of the address, and you must enter the country name or code as the last element in the address. The format of the address can vary depending on the country.

      For a list of countries and their two-letter country codes that are supported by Oracle Maps, see the Oracle Maps Geocoder Metadata Web page. For more information on the address formats supported by Oracle Maps, see the Oracle Maps Geocoder Concepts Web page.

    • Right-click the starting location on the map, and then select Add to Directions to add the start point to the field labeled A in the Directions tab. Then right-click the destination location, and select Add to Directions to add the stop point to the field labeled B.
    • Click a pin on the map, and select Add to Directions to add the start point in the field labeled A in the Directions tab. Then click the destination pin, and select Add to Directions to add the stop point to the field labeled B.

      You can mix and match these methods to add start and stop points as required.

      NOTE: If you enter an address in the search field in the search pane, and if a start point (A) and stop point (B) exist in the Directions tab, then the address is added as a stop point (C) when you perform the search.

  3. Click the magnifying glass icon.

    In the Directions tab, Oracle CRM On Demand starts the driving directions. The directions, or route card, provide the possible driving routes and include the estimated time and distance for each route, similar to the driving directions information from commercially available Global Positioning Systems. Oracle CRM On Demand also plots the destination labels and route on the map.

    If you enter multiple destination stop points, for example, start point A with stop points B and C, then the driving information includes the directions from start point A to stop point B, and then from stop point B to stop point C. If you want to obtain directions from your current location to a stop point, then include your current location as the start point by clicking the My Location pin, and then clicking Add to Directions.

    NOTE: The driving directions are based on the closest street information for the address available from Oracle Maps. Consequently, the stop point labels might not be pinned to the exact address on the map.

  4. To center a stop point in your map view, click the stop point label, for example B, C, and so on, in the route card.

    Centering the stop point in your view is only functional if the route is displayed on the map. If you clear the route by clicking the x icon in the route card or by altering the stop points, or if you have not clicked the magnifying glass after entering the stop points, then the map will not center on the stop points.

  5. To clear the results obtained for the driving directions, click x in the route card.

    The route is also cleared if you alter the existing stop points, for example, if you edit a stop point, remove a stop point, or reverse the order of the stop points.

  6. To print the driving directions, click the Printer icon on the driving results card:

    Printer icon

    The print preview window that opens displays a snapshot of the map with driving directions. The preview includes all stop points, the stop point addresses, the time and distance summary for the trip, and the map showing all available routes. Following the map image is a table of driving directions with the estimated driving time. The stop points in the table are color coded to match the stop point pin color on the map.

In addition, the options described in the following table are available as links in the bottom of the Directions tab.



Add Stop-Point

Select this option to add more destination stop points, up to a maximum of four stop points. A start point and a stop point are available by default.

More Options

Select this option to specify additional preferences for the driving directions, such as:

  • Route preference. Fastest or shortest. Fastest is the default.
  • Road preference. Highway or local roads. Highway is the default.
  • Distance units. Imperial or metric. Imperial is the default.
  • Language. Available languages for driving directions are English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. English is the default.

Reverse Addresses

Select this option to reverse the order of the start and stop points in the route card.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.