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Enabling Access Controls for Related Record Types

You can limit the actions that users can perform on the related records when a parent record is in the transition state by enabling access controls for the related record types.

NOTE: Some record types do not have related record types.

To enable access controls for related record types, complete the steps in the following procedure.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Process Administration privilege.

To enable access controls for related record types

  1. In the Process Detail page, click the link in the State field for the transition state on which you want to enable access controls for related record types.
  2. In the Transition State Detail page, scroll to the Related Access Control section of the page, and then click Add in the title bar of the section.
  3. In the Related Access Control Edit page, for each related record type, select the check boxes for the access controls that you want to enable.

    You can enable access controls for up to five related record types in the Related Access Control Edit page. If you want to enable access controls for additional related record types, you can repeat the procedure.

    NOTE: In the Related Access Control Edit page, the check boxes for the access controls are marked as required; that is, an asterisk appears beside the name of each of the check boxes. The check boxes are marked as required because these check box fields always have a value in the database. The value is either True, that is, the check box is selected, or False, that is, the check box is deselected. If you select a check box, the True value is saved in the database. If you do not select a check box, the False value is saved in the database.

  4. Save your changes.
  5. Repeat Step 2 through Step 4 of this procedure as many times as necessary to enable the access controls for the related record types for the transition state.

The following table describes the access controls for the related record types. Some related record types are not available. For a list of the related record types that are not available, see Process Administration Functionality.

NOTE: Users can be external applications as well as users of Oracle CRM On Demand.



Disable Create/Add

If this check box is selected, then users cannot create new records of this related record type from the parent record or add existing records of this record type to the parent record while the parent record is in this transition state.

Disable Update

The behavior of this check box depends on the relationship between the parent record type and the related record type, as follows:

  • If the parent record type has a one-to-many relationship with the related record type, and if this check box is selected, then users cannot update records of this related record type that are child records of the parent record, while the parent record is in this transition state.

    The child records cannot be updated from anywhere in Oracle CRM On Demand while the parent record is in this transition state. For example, if there are related records of the Custom Object 05 record type on the parent record, then those Custom Object 05 records cannot be updated while the parent record is in this transition state even if they are accessed from the Custom Object 05 Homepage.

  • For related record types that have a many-to-many relationship with the parent record type, the Disable Update check box is not applicable, that is, it cannot be used to prevent users from updating related records of that type while the parent record is in this transition state.

Disable Delete/Remove

The behavior of this check box depends on the relationship between the parent record type and the related record type, as follows:

  • If the parent record type has a one-to-many relationship with the related record type, and if this check box is selected, then users cannot delete records of this related record type that are child records of the parent record while the parent record is in this transition state.

    The child records cannot be deleted from anywhere in Oracle CRM On Demand while the parent record is in this transition state.

  • If the related record type has a many-to-many relationship with the parent record type, and if this check box is selected, then users cannot remove child records of this record type from their relationship with the parent record while the parent record is in this transition state. However, users can delete the child records from other places in Oracle CRM On Demand, such as from a list accessed from the record-type Homepage.

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