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MDF Requests

Market development funds (MDF) provide brand owners with the ability to make marketing funds available to a partner in an organized way, so that a partner can sell the brand owner’s products in specific geographical areas or so that a partner can market its brand. An MDF request is a request for funds in which a partner asks the brand owner for funds.

Partners can request preapprovals to fund marketing activities. The MDF requests identify the details of the marketing activity and its estimated cost. The MDF request is then routed through an approval process. The brand owner provides the approved funds for the MDF request and can approve, reject, or return it.

After the marketing activities have been completed, partners can create claims to redeem the spent money that was preapproved by the brand owner. Claims are either created against a specific MDF request or can exist independently. An MDF request can have only one claim associated with it. When the claim is approved, the fund is debited with the associated MDF request.

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