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Making Accreditations Visible to Partners

Accreditations are not automatically visible to partners. You can make the accreditation visible by adding partner employees to a team, and associating that team with the accreditation record.

Before you begin.

Your company administrator must have made the Accreditation Team related information section available for the detail page. If the related information section is not displayed on the detail page, click the Edit Layout link, and add the section as a displayed related information section.

To make accreditations visible to partners

  1. In the Accreditation Team section of the Accreditation Detail page, click Add Users.
  2. On the Accreditation Team Edit page, specify the user name, team role and record access for each partner employee to whom you want the accreditation to be visible.

    NOTE: Oracle recommends that you grant Read-only access to the partner employee team members.

  3. Click Save.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.