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Converting Accounts to Partner Accounts

In Oracle CRM On Demand you can convert accounts to partner accounts if your access levels permit you to do so.

Before you begin. Your company administrator must have added the Managed Partner check box to the detail page.

To convert an account to a partner account

  1. On the Account List, select the account that you want to convert to a partner account.
  2. On the Account Detail page, click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Account page, change the account type to Partner.
  4. Select the Managed Partner check box, and then click Save.

NOTE: If the Partner record type is configured in the user mode of record ownership, then when you complete this task, the name of the Owner field automatically changes to the name of the user performing the conversion, and the new partner is added to the owner's partner team.

To ensure that a partner account cannot revert to a regular account

  1. Navigate to the Partner List on the Partner Tab, and select the partner account.
  2. On the Partner Detail page, click Edit.
  3. On the Edit Partner page, change the status of the partner organization to Active.

    After you set the status to Active, the partner account cannot be changed to a regular account.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.