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Creating Special Pricing Products as Related Items

You can create a special pricing product as a related item of a special pricing request in order to indicate the requested cost (or other information) for a specific product. From Oracle CRM On Demand, you create a special pricing product as a related item by entering information in a form. You can access this form from the special pricing request details page.

NOTE: Before you can create special pricing products, the Special Pricing Products area must be added to the Special Pricing Request details page as a related item. For more information on adding related items, see Customizing Related Item Layouts.

To create special pricing products as a related items

  1. On the Special Pricing Request Detail page, scroll down to the Special Pricing Products section, and click Add.
  2. In the Product Name field, select a product.
  3. Update the rest of the fields on the Special Pricing Request Product Edit page, as needed. Then click Save.

    For information on each field, see Special Pricing Product Fields.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.