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Creating Partner Program Memberships

After a partner's application for membership of a partner program has been approved, the partner becomes a member of the partner program.

To create partner program memberships

  1. On the Partner Program Details page for the selected partner program, click New in the Program Memberships bar.

    The Program Membership New page appears.

  2. In the Partner Name field, select the name of the partner that you want to add to the partner program.
  3. Complete the other fields on the Partner Membership New page as needed.

    For more information on these fields, see Program Membership Fields.

    NOTE: The state of the Active check box and value for the Status field must be in synchronization with each other. For example, if the membership status is set to Current, then you must select the Active check box.

  4. Click Save.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.