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Submitting Applications for Approval

A partner application allows the brand owner to review, reject, and approve applications efficiently.

Before you begin. The application must first be created. For more information on creating applications, see Creating Applications. A workflow rule must be created that assigns an appropriate user as the approver for applications. For more information on creating workflow rules, see Creating Workflow Rules.

To submit an application for approval

  1. Select the application for which you want to submit an application from the All Applications section on the Applications Homepage.

    For information on selecting applications, see Finding Records.

  2. On the Applications Detail page, click the Edit button.
  3. On the Applications Edit page, select Submitted from the Submission Status field. Then click Save.

    After the Submission Status field has been changed to Submitted, and the record has been saved the following occurs:

    • The approval status is set to Pending Approval.
    • The submission date is automatically set to the current timestamp.
    • The approval of the application begins. A workflow rule sets the application's Approver field to the appropriate user.
    • The approver is added to the team of the application if the approver is not already present.
    • A workflow rule sends email notifications if it has been configured to send emails.

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