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Renaming Record Types

To use terminology that is familiar to your users, you might want to rename record types. The default record type names in the application might not be the same as those used by your company for certain types of records. If this is the case, you can change the name to meet your specific requirements.

When you change the name of a record type, the new name appears in most places in the application, such as:

  • Tabs and buttons
  • Drop-down lists
  • Predefined filtered lists, such as the All Accounts list on the Account Homepage
  • Title bars on pages, such as on record detail and list pages
  • The Create section in the Action bar
  • Page section names
  • Record assignment email notification
  • Customized page section names

For example, you can change the Account display name to Company. The Account tab becomes Company and other section titles change accordingly.

However, there are several places in which the new name does not appear. If you change names, inform your users that the new names do not appear in:

  • Custom filtered list names
  • Custom field names
  • Reports and Analyses
  • Oracle Outlook Email Integration On Demand
  • Help pages

NOTE: All display names have a maximum length of 50 characters.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application privilege.

To rename a record type

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click the Customize Record Types link.
  4. On the Customize Record Types page, type the new names in the appropriate row. You must supply all three variations for the application to use in the appropriate areas of the interface: Display Name/Singular, Display Name/Plural, and Display Name/Short.

    NOTE: The Display Name/Short appears in the tabs, so it should not exceed 15 characters. You cannot rename an object to the name of any of the objects available in the Customize Record Types page. You cannot rename an object, for example, Task or Appointment because objects are not listed in the Customize Record Types page.

  5. (Optional) To indicate that an updated name needs to be translated to other languages activated for your company, select the Mark for Translation check box.

    NOTE: If you want this updated name to appear in other activated languages, select the Mark for Translation check box. In the other languages (or when you choose another language from the Translation Language drop-down list on this page), the updated name appears in blue text with brackets until you manually enter the translated versions. This helps you track what terms need to be translated. If you do not select Mark for Translation, the previously translated display names remain, unaffected by the change you made here.

  6. To manually enter the translated equivalent of the new name:
    1. From the Translation Language drop-down list, select the language whose translation you want to enter.
    2. Enter the translated equivalent in the appropriate Display Name field and click Save.
    3. Click the link to return to the page you just updated and select the language again, if necessary.

      The translated name appears in black text in the Display Name column.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.