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Required Fields for Lead Qualification

For the status of a lead to be set to Qualified, certain fields on the lead are always required and other fields might also be required, as follows:

  • The First Name and Last Name fields are always required.
  • In the standard application, the following fields are also required: Owner Full Name, Rating, and Sales Person. This is true both in the case where you qualify a lead directly and also where you use a lead qualification script. If a lead qualification script attempts to set the Status field on a lead to Qualified, and if one or more of the required fields is not populated, then an error message is displayed and the script assumes the lead has failed to meet the threshold for qualification that is defined on the script. The script then sets the Status field according to the results defined on the script for failing to meet the threshold.

    Your administrator can change the behavior so that the Owner Full Name, Rating, and Sales Person fields are not required for lead qualification by deselecting the following setting on the company profile: Enable Owner Full Name, Rating and Sales Person Are Required to Qualify a Lead.

  • Your company can optionally create a business process to specify that one or more fields must be populated or must have a certain value before the status of a lead can be set to Qualified. To do this, your administrator sets up a business process for the Lead record type, with a transition state for the Qualified status value. For information about setting up business processes, see Process Administration.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.