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Deal Registration Product Revenue Historical Analytics Subject Area


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

The Deal Registration Product Revenue History subject area helps you identify trends and tendencies around your deal registration line items. It enables you to create basic queries involving Deal Registration Product Revenue metrics using core dimension attributes. It can help you answer questions such as:

  • What is the maximum revenue expected from a single product on a single deal registration?
  • Considering only open deal registrations, what is the average revenue for each deal registration (as calculated from revenue records)?
  • How many unique products are referred to on all deal registrations (irrespective of the approval status)?
  • What are the top products for all open deal registrations: by total quantity, by total revenue, by occurrence, by average quantity for each deal registration, or by average revenue for each deal registration?
  • List all open deal registrations that have at least one product revenue line item with either zero or null quantity or zero or null price.
  • What were the top products a quarter ago: by quantity, by revenue, by occurrence, by average quantity per deal registration, or by average revenue for each deal registration?

Relationship Type



This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Associated Contact
  • Associated Customer
  • Associated Opportunity
  • Date (based on the Close Date of the Deal Registration)
  • Deal Registration
  • Deal Registration Product Revenue
  • Principal Partner Account (available only in Oracle CRM On Demand Partner Relationship Management Edition)
  • Product
  • Product Category


The subject area has the following metrics:

  • Deal Registration Product Revenue Metrics
    • Deal Registration Product Revenue Custom Metrics:
      • Avg Indexed Currency
      • Avg Indexed Number
      • Indexed Currency
      • Indexed Number
    • Number (#) of Products
    • Number (#) of Products on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Products on Open Deal Registrations
    • Average Number (Avg #) of Products on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Average Number (Avg #) of Products on Open Deal Registrations
    • Avg Price
    • Avg Quantity
    • Avg Quarter Ago Total Revenue
    • Avg Revenue
    • Avg Total Quantity on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Avg Total Quantity on Open Deal Registrations
    • Avg Total Revenue on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Avg Total Revenue on Open Deal Registrations
    • Average Number (Avg #) of Products (Per Deal Registration)
    • Quarter Ago Total Revenue
    • Quarter Ago Total Revenue (000)
    • Total Quantity
    • Total Quantity (000)
    • Total Quantity on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Total Quantity on Open Deal Registrations
    • Total Revenue
    • Total Revenue (000)
    • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
    • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations without Opportunities (000)
    • Total Revenue on Open Deal Registrations
    • Total Revenue on Open Deal Registrations (000)
    • Principal Partner Account

Usage Notes


Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.