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Portfolio Historical Analytics Subject Area


This subject area is available only in the Oracle CRM On Demand Financial Services Edition.

Business Purpose

This subject area provides the ability to analyze portfolio history, contacts, and products. Portfolio reports provide the capability to generate reports about portfolios for the following dimensions: Contact, Account, Product, Advisor, and Time. This report enables advisors and their managers to answer questions, such as the following:

  • What financial products do clients own and what is their demographic profile?
  • How much of my clients' assets are invested in which securities and asset classes?
  • What is the size of assets in each advisor's book of business?
  • What are the asset classes in each advisor's book of business?
  • Who are my best clients by portfolio size and revenue?

This information allows you to analyze portfolios with respect to both clients and advisors.

Relationship Type



This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Contact
  • Date
  • Institution
  • Owned By User
  • Portfolio
  • Product


The complete list of metrics for this subject area is as follows:

  • Portfolio Metrics
    • Portfolio Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Portfolios
    • Total Asset Value
    • Loan Amount
    • Premium
    • Revenue
    • Face Value
    • Credit Limit
    • Average (Avg) Total Asset Value
    • Avg Loan Amount
    • Avg Premium
    • Avg Revenue
    • Avg Face Value
    • Avg Credit Limit

Usage Notes

The Contact dimension includes a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

The Portfolio dimension normally includes non-financial assets such as vehicles unless your administrator has specifically excluded such non-financial assets in Portfolio lists using the Exclude Vehicle / Asset Records from Portfolio Accounts option in the Company Profile page.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.