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Sales Stage Historical Analytics Subject Area

The Sales Stage History has the following subject areas.


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

This subject area allows analyzing opportunities at different sales stages by account, opportunity, sales stage, and date dimensions. The sales stage history subject area represents event-based historical snapshots of opportunities and only available on the historical side. Because opportunities go through multiple sales stages, this subject area is denser than the opportunities subject area with as many records as number of opportunities times sales stages they went through.

Relationship Type



This subject area offers the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Historical Sales Stage
  • Opportunity


The following is the complete list of metrics for this subject area:

  • Sales Stage Metrics
    • Avg Days in Stage
    • Number of (#) of Days in Stage
    • Number of (#) of Opportunities
    • Fallout
    • Fallout Ratio

Usage Notes

The Account dimension includes a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Within the Opportunity dimension is a folder for Owned by User. Although this folder is hierarchically under the Opportunity dimension, the Owned by User folder is its own dimension. Each dimension is related to a table in the database. When a report draws from more than one table, the measures in the report are used to relate the tables.

To illustrate this effect, consider these examples where the owner of Opportunity_A has changed from one sales stage to another:

Example 1 You select only fields from the Opportunity dimension.
Result 1: All opportunities are in the report.

Example 2: You select only fields from the Owned by User folder.
Result 2: All users are in the report, whether or not they own any records.

Example 3: You select fields from both the Opportunity dimension and the Owned by User folder.
Result 3: The report shows multiple rows for Opportunity_A; one row for each owner it had at the various sales stages.

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