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Accounts and Partners Real-Time Reporting Subject Area


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

This subject area allows the reporting of the many-to-many relationship between accounts and partner accounts. This subject area is almost identical to the account subject areas. The only difference is that it includes the partner dimension, which has a many-to-many relationship with the account record type. This subject area allows you to create reports that show all the partners for an account. Because this subject area represents the many-to-many relationship between accounts and partner accounts, the accounts that do not have an association with at least one partner account cannot be reported using this subject area. The attributes that define the partner account relationship that are available for reporting include the following:

  • Primary Contact
  • Role
  • Reverse Role
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Comments

Relationship Type



This subject area offers the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Account Partner
  • Campaign
  • Date Created
  • Owned By User
  • Relationship Contact
  • Territory


The complete list of metrics for this subject area is as follows:

  • Account Metrics
    • Account Custom Metrics
    • Revenue
    • Revenue (000)
    • Average (Avg) Revenue
    • Closed Revenue
    • Closed Revenue (000)
    • Average (Avg) Closed Revenue
    • Average (Avg) Days to Close Opportunity (Definition: The number of days to close an opportunity divided by the number of wins.)
    • Potential Revenue
    • Average (Avg) Potential Revenue
    • Revenue
    • Product Revenue (000)
    • Product Closed Revenue
    • Product Closed Revenue (000)
    • Number (#) of Accounts
    • Number (#) of Accounts with Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Activities
    • Number (#) of Contacts
    • Number (#) of Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Wins
    • Number (#) of Service Requests (SRs)
    • Number (#) of Cancelled SRs
    • Number (#) of Closed SRs
    • Number (#) of Open SRs
    • Number (#) of Pending SRs
    • Average (Avg) Open SR Age
    • Average (Avg) Days to Close SR
    • Number (#) of Leads
    • Number (#) of Leads Converted to Opportunities (Definition: The number of leads that has been converted to opportunities.)
    • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Won Opportunity (Definition: The number of leads that has been converted to opportunities and is in the Closed/Won sales stage.)
    • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Lost Opportunity
    • Number (#) of Qualified Leads
    • Number (#) of Rejected Leads

Usage Notes

The Account dimension includes a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Relationship Contact Dimension

Accounts can be linked to an account as partners. Any accounts that are linked to an account as partners are listed in the Account Partners related information section of the Account Detail page. The relationship between two accounts that are linked in this way can also have a primary contact that is different from the primary contacts on the linked accounts.

To extract information about the primary contact for the relationship between the account and the partner, select the columns from the Relationship Contact dimension. To extract information about the primary contact for the account, select the columns from the Primary Contact folder under the Account dimension. To extract information about the primary contact for a partner, select the columns from the Primary Contact folder under the Account Partner dimension.

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