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Viewing the Calendars of Other Users

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your user role must include the Share Calendar privilege.

You can view:

  • Another user's calendar

    You can view the individual calendars of users in your group (if you are a member of a group) and the calendars of other users who explicitly share their calendar with you.

    NOTE: You cannot view the calendars of the users who report to you unless those users are members of a predefined group of which you are also a member, or the users explicitly share their calendar with you.

  • A group calendar (if you are a member of a group) that combines the calendars of all the members of your group into a single calendar view

    NOTE: The list shows the users in alphabetical order. If the list exceeds ten users, scroll through the list to view the additional users' calendars.

    For more information about groups, see Group Management.

  • Custom views that combine other users' calendars

    For example, you might be working on a special short-term project with a number of users in different functions. Setting up a custom view that includes calendars for only those users allows you to see the schedule for those users in a single view. When you set up a custom calendar view, you can add the following users to the view:

    • Users who are members of your group (if you are a member of a group)
    • Users who explicitly share their calendar with you

      For more information on setting up custom calendar views, see Adding Custom Calendar Views.

NOTE: Only invitees and owners of appointments can view the details for private appointments.

To view another user's calendar

  1. On the Calendar page, click the User tab, if necessary.
  2. In the title bar, click the Lookup icon and click the Last Name of the user in the Lookup window.

    That user's calendar populates the User view.

    NOTE: Only users who share their calendars with you, and users who are members of your group, are available to select.

To quickly return to your own calendar

  • Click the My Calendar button in the title bar.

To view a combined calendar for all group members

  1. On the Calendar page, click the Group tab.
  2. On the combined calendar, you can:
    • Click the user's name to go to the user's personal calendar.
    • Click the appropriate icon to view the combined calendar for a single day, or a week, or a month.

In the group calendar and in custom calendar views:

  • Two different background colors are used, with one color for each of the following:
    • The business hours on work days.
    • The non-working hours, including all of the hours on days that are not work days, as well as the hours outside of business hours on work days.
  • If you do not have access to the calendar of a user who is included in a custom calendar view, then the schedule for that user is grayed out in the custom calendar view unless the user explicitly shares his calendar with you. For example, if a user who was included in a custom calendar view stops sharing his calendar with you, or if a user who was included in a custom calendar view or your predefined group becomes inactive, then that user's schedule is grayed out.

    NOTE: After a user is added to your predefined group, the user is included in your group calendar view, but the schedule for the user is grayed out until the next time you sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand and sign in again.

  • You can switch between viewing the full day and viewing only the business hours.
  • If you choose to view only the business hours in the daily view, and if there are any appointment that start before your business hours or end after your business hours, then the hours that are displayed are extended to show those appointments.
  • The duration of an appointment is rounded up to the nearest 15 minute slot for display purposes. For example, an appointment of between 1 minute and 15 minutes duration displays as an appointment of 15 minutes duration, and an appointment of between 31 minutes and 45 minutes duration displays as an appointment of 45 minutes duration.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about custom calendar views:

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