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Viewing Service Allotment Usage for Your Company

You can view the following data for each service allotment for your company:

  • The allotment name
  • The allotment type
  • The allotment units
  • The value set for the allotment by Customer Care
  • The amount of the allotment currently used
  • The amount of the allotment remaining
  • Whether an alert is enabled for the allotment. If the current usage exceeds the threshold value, an email alert is sent to the defined recipients.

    NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand only sends an email alert if the trigger comes from a bulk upload, a Web service request, or Oracle Data Loader On Demand. Entering records manually in Oracle CRM On Demand does not trigger email alerts.

  • The user who last modified the allotment data

From the Service Allotment List Page, you can drill down on a service allotment to see more information about the allotment, for example, a description of the allotment, and current usage data in the Allotment Usages applet.

On the Allotment Usage List page, you can see the historical usage data about an allotment. For more information, see Viewing Historical Service Allotment Usage.

You can click Edit on the Service Allotment List page and then set an alert for an allotment. For more information, see Setting Alerts for Service Allotments.

To view your company's service allotment usage

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Service Allotment Administration section, click the Service Allotment Administration link.
  4. In the Service Allotment List page, view the service allotment data for your company.

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