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Viewing Your Export Requests

The Personal Export Request Queue page displays all of the pending and completed export requests that you submitted from List pages or through the Data Export Assistant. If a request is in the Pending Requests section, you can click Refresh to see if the request has completed. When the request has completed, you can drill down on a request to retrieve the output file.

NOTE: Depending on your privileges, some export requests might not be visible to you, or you might not be able to retrieve some output files.

About the Retention Period for Export Requests and Export Request Attachments

In the standard application, Oracle CRM On Demand retains the details of export requests and their output for a certain period, as follows:

  • The details of an export request are retained for 60 days, and are then purged.
  • The output from an export request is retained for 168 hours (that is, seven days), and is then purged.

The retention periods apply to export operations that are submitted through List pages, as well as to export operations that are submitted through the Data Export Assistant.

Your administrator can change the retention periods for export requests and their attachments, by changing the values in the following fields on the company profile:

  • Export Request Expiry (Days)
  • Export Request Attachment Expiry (Days)

For information about updating these fields, see Configuring Company Settings.

The following procedure describes how to view your export requests.

To view export requests

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click My Setup.
  2. Click Data & Integration Tools.
  3. Click Export Request Queue.

    The Personal Export Request Queue page appears, showing the details of the export requests. The following table describes the export request information.

    Export Record Information



    The type of request: Personal or Company.

    Export Type

    The type of export:

    • Full. A full export of your company's data.
    • Partial. A partial export of your company's data.
    • List. An export request made from a List page. Only exports performed by the logged-in user are displayed.

    Record Type

    The record type. For partial requests that include child records, the child record is indicated in the format Parent:Child, for example: Account:Contact.


    For list export requests, this field indicates the name of the list.


    The status, for example: In Progress or Completed.

    Client Name

    The name of the client application.

    Requested For

    The user for whom the request was submitted.

    Requested By

    The user who submitted the request. An administrator can create a personal extract request for a user through Web services.


    The time and date when the export request was submitted.


    The time and date when the export request was finished.

The following procedure describes how to review the details of an export request.

To review the details of an export request

  • In the row for the request, click the Export Type or Record Type link to open the List Export Request Detail page or the Export Request Details page.

    The page displays the export properties, including the number of records exported (# Exported). For export requests that were submitted through the Data Export Assistant, the page also shows the number of record types successfully exported without any problems (# Completed Objects). In the Export Record Types section of the page, you can see details of the number of records that were exported for each record type.

For information about downloading and deleting export request attachments, that is, the ZIP files that contain the output from the export requests, see Downloading and Deleting Export Request Attachments.

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