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Deleting Workflow Rules and Actions

When you delete a workflow rule, all actions on the rule are also deleted. Also, the order numbers on the remaining rules for the relevant record type are automatically updated as necessary to ensure that there is no gap in the sequence of the numbers.

If you delete a workflow rule while one or more instances of a Wait action on the rule are in the pending state, then those pending instances are deleted from the Workflow Wait Monitor. None of the remaining actions on the workflow rule are performed, and none of the subsequent workflow rules in the sequence of rules for the record type are triggered.

When you delete an action from a workflow rule, the order numbers on the remaining actions on the rule are automatically updated as necessary to ensure that there is no gap in the sequence of the numbers.

If you delete a Wait action from a workflow rule while an instance of the Wait action is in the pending state, then when the waiting period ends on the instance of the action, none of the remaining actions on the workflow rule are performed, and none of the subsequent workflow rules in the sequence of rules for the record type are triggered.

NOTE: For information about what happens when you delete a scheduled event (that is, a workflow rule with the Scheduled Event trigger event), see About Scheduled Events.

The following procedure describes how to delete a workflow rule.

To delete a workflow rule

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Rules List page, find the rule that you want to delete.

    For information about searching for workflow rules in the List page, see Filtering Lists.

  4. In the record-level menu for the rule, select Delete.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the rule.

The following procedure describes how to delete a workflow rule action.

To delete a workflow rule action

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Rules List page, find the rule from which you want to delete the action.

    For information about searching for workflow rules in the List page, see Filtering Lists.

  4. Click the Workflow Name link for the rule.
  5. In the Workflow Rule Details page, in the Actions section, find the action that you want to delete.
  6. In the record-level menu for the action, select Delete.

    NOTE: If the rule has an Update Values action, then the action must be preceded by at least one active Wait action for the rule unless the trigger event for the workflow rule is Before Modified Record Saved. If you attempt to delete a Wait action, and if there is no other Wait action preceding the Update Values action, then Oracle CRM On Demand does not allow you to delete the Wait action.

  7. Confirm that you want to delete the action.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related workflow information:

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