


  1. プロファイラで使用して実行してアプリケーションをサンプリングし、対象のコンパイル・ユニットを識別します。サンプリング遅延(--cpusampler.Delay=MILLISECONDS)を使用して、ウォームアップ後にのみプロファイルします。プロファイリング・ガイドを参照してください。

  2. 何がコンパイルされているかを理解し、最適化解除を確認します。主にインタプリタで実行するようにリストされているメソッドには、最適化解除の問題がある可能性があります。

  3. 引き続きパフォーマンスの問題が見られる場合は、可能なかぎりコードを簡略化します。

  4. パフォーマンス警告を有効にし、境界コールをリストします。

  5. 対象のコンパイル・ユニットのGraalグラフをダンプし、After TruffleTierフェーズを確認します。
    1. After TruffleTierフェーズおよびAfter PartialEscapeフェーズのGraalグラフを確認し、それが期待どおりかどうかを確認します。そこに必要ないノードがある場合は、それらが含まれないようにする方法を検討します。必要以上に複雑なノードがある場合は、より単純なコードを生成する特殊化を追加する方法を検討します。ベンチマーク内に存在する必要があると思われるノードが存在しない場合は、値が最適化により除去されないように動的にする方法について検討します。
  6. Graal IRでInvokeノードを探します。ゲスト言語のコールを表していないInvokeノードは、特殊化により除去する必要があります。これは、メソッドがI/Oを実行する場合など、常に可能とはかぎりません。

  7. 制御フローの分割(赤い線)を探し、これらがゲスト・アプリケーションに起因する制御フローによるものか、単に言語実装のアーティファクトによるものかを調査します。後者は、可能であれば避ける必要があります。

  8. 線形コード(LoadおよびLoadIndexed)でインダイレクションを探し、コードの最小化を試みます。ホットパス上にあるコードが少ないほど優れています。





ノート: ほとんどのオプションでは、追加の--experimental-optionsフラグも設定する必要があります。


[engine] opt done   id=244   EqualityConstraint.execute                         |Tier 1|Time   268( 220+47  )ms|AST   17|Inlined   0Y   2N|IR    238/   437|CodeSize    1874|Timestamp 758868036671903|Src octane-deltablue.js:528



[engine] opt queued id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 1|Count/Thres         25/       25|Queue: Size    1 Change +1  Load  0.06 Time     0us|Timestamp 758865671350686|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt start  id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 1|Priority        25|Rate 0.000000|Queue: Size    0 Change +0  Load  0.06 Time     0us|Timestamp 758865708273384|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt queued id=239   OrderedCollection.size                             |Tier 1|Count/Thres         25/       25|Queue: Size    1 Change +1  Load  0.06 Time     0us|Timestamp 758865727664193|Src octane-deltablue.js:71
[engine] opt queued id=52    Array.prototype.push                               |Tier 1|Count/Thres         25/       50|Queue: Size    2 Change +1  Load  0.13 Time     0us|Timestamp 758865744191674|Src <builtin>:1
... more log ...
[engine] opt start  id=239   OrderedCollection.size                             |Tier 1|Priority    181875|Rate 0.000001|Queue: Size   11 Change -1  Load  0.63 Time   575us|Timestamp 758866381654116|Src octane-deltablue.js:71
[engine] opt done   id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 1|Time   717( 654+64  )ms|AST   19|Inlined   0Y   0N|IR    143/   220|CodeSize     882|Timestamp 758866435391354|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt start  id=236   BinaryConstraint.input                             |Tier 1|Priority    144000|Rate 0.000001|Queue: Size   10 Change -1  Load  0.56 Time    48us|Timestamp 758866452554530|Src octane-deltablue.js:409
... more log ...
[engine] opt queued id=239   OrderedCollection.size                             |Tier 2|Count/Thres       8750/     8125|Queue: Size   18 Change +1  Load  0.81 Time     0us|Timestamp 758867756295139|Src octane-deltablue.js:71
[engine] opt queued id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 2|Count/Thres       8499/     8750|Queue: Size   19 Change +1  Load  0.88 Time     0us|Timestamp 758867758263099|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt start  id=244   EqualityConstraint.execute                         |Tier 1|Priority   2618289|Rate 0.000015|Queue: Size   19 Change -1  Load  0.88 Time   180us|Timestamp 758867767116908|Src octane-deltablue.js:528
... more log ...
[engine] opt done   id=246                               |Tier 2|Time    89(  80+9   )ms|AST   15|Inlined   0Y   0N|IR     50/   110|CodeSize     582|Timestamp 758873628915755|Src octane-deltablue.js:67
[engine] opt start  id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 2|Priority    173536|Rate 0.000054|Queue: Size   18 Change -1  Load  0.94 Time    18us|Timestamp 758873629411012|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
[engine] opt queued id=238   Planner.addPropagate                               |Tier 2|Count/Thres       9375/     8750|Queue: Size   19 Change +1  Load  0.88 Time     0us|Timestamp 758873663196884|Src octane-deltablue.js:696
[engine] opt queued id=226   Variable.addConstraint                             |Tier 2|Count/Thres       8771/     9375|Queue: Size   20 Change +1  Load  0.94 Time     0us|Timestamp 758873665823697|Src octane-deltablue.js:556
[engine] opt done   id=293   change                                             |Tier 1|Time   167( 130+37  )ms|AST   60|Inlined   0Y   6N|IR    576/  1220|CodeSize    5554|Timestamp 758873669483749|Src octane-deltablue.js:867
[engine] opt start  id=270   Plan.execute                                       |Tier 2|Priority    157871|Rate 0.000072|Queue: Size   19 Change -1  Load  1.00 Time    17us|Timestamp 758873669912101|Src octane-deltablue.js:778
[engine] opt done   id=237   BinaryConstraint.output                            |Tier 2|Time    58(  52+6   )ms|AST   19|Inlined   0Y   0N|IR    103/   181|CodeSize     734|Timestamp 758873687678394|Src octane-deltablue.js:416
... more log ...
[engine] opt unque. id=304   Date.prototype.valueOf                             |Tier 2|Count/Thres      80234/     3125|Queue: Size    4 Change  0  Load  0.31 Time     0us|Timestamp 758899904132076|Src <builtin>:1|Reason Target inlined into only caller


--engine.TraceCompilationASTコマンドは、コンパイルごとにTruffle ASTを出力します:

[engine] opt AST          OrderedCollection.size <split-57429b3a>                     |ASTSize      10/   10 |Calls/Thres   10559/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres   10559/ 1000
    body = FunctionBodyNode
      body = DualNode
        left = JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen
          rhsNode = JSPrepareThisNodeGen
            operandNode = AccessThisNode
        right = TerminalPositionReturnNode
          expression = PropertyNode
            target = PropertyNode
              target = JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen
              cache = PropertyGetNode
                cacheNode = ObjectPropertyGetNode
                  receiverCheck = ShapeCheckNode
            cache = PropertyGetNode
              cacheNode = ArrayLengthPropertyGetNode
                receiverCheck = ShapeCheckNode
                arrayLengthRead = ArrayLengthReadNodeGen


[engine] inline start     Plan.execute                                                |call diff        0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio     1.00 |IR Nodes         2704 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      5 |Forced          false |Depth               0
[engine] Inlined            Plan.size                                                 |call diff     -203.75 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          175 |Frequency      101.88 |Truffle Callees      1 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined              OrderedCollection.size <split-e13c02e>                  |call diff     -101.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          157 |Frequency      101.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            Plan.constraintAt                                         |call diff     -201.75 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          206 |Frequency      100.88 |Truffle Callees      1 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined                                        |call diff     -100.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          232 |Frequency      100.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            ScaleConstraint.execute                                   |call diff       -0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          855 |Frequency        0.00 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined            EqualityConstraint.execute                                |call diff     -299.63 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          295 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      2 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] Inlined              BinaryConstraint.output <split-1e163df7>                |call diff      -99.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          259 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined              BinaryConstraint.input <split-2dfade22>                 |call diff      -99.88 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes          259 |Frequency       99.88 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               2
[engine] Inlined            EditConstraint.execute                                    |call diff       -1.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio      NaN |IR Nodes           22 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      0 |Forced          false |Depth               1
[engine] inline done      Plan.execute                                                |call diff        0.00 |Recursion Depth      0 |Explore/inline ratio     1.00 |IR Nodes         2704 |Frequency        1.00 |Truffle Callees      5 |Forced          false |Depth               0


[engine] split   0-4310d43-1     Strength                                                    |ASTSize       6/    6 |Calls/Thres       2/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres       2/ 1000 |SourceSection /Users/christianhumer/graal/4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js~139:4062-4089
[engine] split   1-4b0d79fc-1     Strength                                                    |ASTSize       6/    6 |Calls/Thres       2/    3 |CallsAndLoop/Thres       2/ 1000 |SourceSection /Users/christianhumer/graal/4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js~140:4119-4150


[engine] perf warn        ScaleConstraint.execute                                     |Partial evaluation could not inline the virtual runtime call Virtual to HotSpotMethod<ConditionProfile.profile(boolean)> (167|MethodCallTarget).
  Approximated stack trace for [167 | MethodCallTarget:    at


[engine] Truffle runtime statistics for engine 1
    Compilations                : 2763
      Success                   : 2743
      Temporary Bailouts        : 17
        org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.CancellationBailoutException: Compilation cancelled.: 16
        org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.RetryableBailoutException: Assumption invalidated while compiling code: IsolatedObjectConstant[Object]: 1
      Permanent Bailouts        : 0
      Failed                    : 0
      Interrupted               : 3
    Invalidated                 : 84
        Unknown Reason          : 45
        Profiled Argument Types : 22
        validRootAssumption Split call node: 12
        expression invalidatePropertyAssumption: 1
        getTextPos invalidatePropertyAssumption: 1
        X_OK invalidateAllPropertyAssumptions: 1
        statements invalidatePropertyAssumption: 1
        typed object location generalizing object type !class => !class java.lang.Object Object@0[final=false][type=class]: 1
    Queues                      : 3410
    Dequeues                    : 262
        Split call node         : 124
        Target inlined into only caller: 87
        validRootAssumption Split call node: 28
        null                    : 17
        Profiled Argument Types : 6
    Splits                      : 5581
    Compilation Accuracy        : 0,969598
    Queue Accuracy              : 0,923167
    Compilation Utilization     : 2,685016
    Remaining Compilation Queue : 409
    Time to queue               : count=3410, sum=12895957640, min=       0, average=  3781805,76, max=11311217, maxTarget=Math.floor
    Time waiting in queue       : count=2763, sum=1247424699, min=      40, average=   451474,74, max= 4762017, maxTarget=tryGetTypeFromEffectiveTypeNode
  ---------------------------   :
  AST node statistics           :
    Truffle node count          : count=2752, sum=    348085, min=       1, average=      126,48, max=    5404, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      Trivial                   : count=2752, sum=    124817, min=       0, average=       45,36, max=    2707, maxTarget=visitEachChild
      Non Trivial               : count=2752, sum=    223268, min=       1, average=       81,13, max=    3162, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
        Monomorphic             : count=2752, sum=    217660, min=       1, average=       79,09, max=    3042, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
        Polymorphic             : count=2752, sum=      4239, min=       0, average=        1,54, max=      71, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
        Megamorphic             : count=2752, sum=      1369, min=       0, average=        0,50, max=      49, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
    Truffle call count          : count=2752, sum=      7789, min=       0, average=        2,83, max=     110, maxTarget=forEachChild
      Indirect                  : count=2752, sum=        29, min=       0, average=        0,01, max=       3, maxTarget=emitLeadingComments
      Direct                    : count=2752, sum=      7760, min=       0, average=        2,82, max=     110, maxTarget=forEachChild
        Dispatched              : count=2752, sum=      6285, min=       0, average=        2,28, max=     110, maxTarget=forEachChild
        Inlined                 : count=2752, sum=      1475, min=       0, average=        0,54, max=      60, maxTarget=parseList <split-8113>
        ----------              :
        Cloned                  : count=2752, sum=         0, min=       0, average=        0,00, max=       0, maxTarget=Array.prototype.push
        Not Cloned              : count=2752, sum=      7747, min=       0, average=        2,82, max=     110, maxTarget=forEachChild
    Truffle loops               : count=2752, sum=       723, min=       0, average=        0,26, max=      12, maxTarget=pipelineEmitWithComments
  ---------------------------   :
  Compilation Tier 1            :
    Compilation Rate            :    471075,74 bytes/second
    Truffle Tier Rate           :   1273853,94 bytes/second
    Graal Tier Rate             :    922948,70 bytes/second
    Installation Rate           :   5640071,94 bytes/second
    Time for compilation (us)   : count=2637, sum=  20538922, min=     727, average=     7788,75, max= 2154173, maxTarget=createPrinter
      Truffle Tier (us)         : count=2623, sum=   7595366, min=     255, average=     2895,68, max=  306107, maxTarget=createPrinter
      Graal Tier (us)           : count=2623, sum=  10483126, min=     378, average=     3996,62, max= 1665018, maxTarget=createPrinter
      Code Installation (us)    : count=2623, sum=   1715472, min=      39, average=      654,01, max=  183048, maxTarget=createPrinter
    Graal node count            :
      After Truffle Tier        : count=2627, sum=   1089218, min=      88, average=      414,62, max=   12999, maxTarget=forEachChild
      After Graal Tier          : count=2624, sum=   2190826, min=     127, average=      834,92, max=   63837, maxTarget=createPrinter
    Graal compilation result    :
      Code size                 : count=2623, sum=   9675388, min=     492, average=     3688,67, max=  238448, maxTarget=createPrinter
      Total frame size          : count=2623, sum=    350080, min=      64, average=      133,47, max=    5328, maxTarget=createPrinter
      Exception handlers        : count=2623, sum=      9316, min=       1, average=        3,55, max=     125, maxTarget=forEachChild
      Infopoints                : count=2623, sum=    105619, min=       5, average=       40,27, max=    1837, maxTarget=forEachChild
        CALL                    : count=2623, sum=    105619, min=       5, average=       40,27, max=    1837, maxTarget=forEachChild
    Marks                       : count=2623, sum=     13115, min=       5, average=        5,00, max=       5, maxTarget=Array.prototype.push
    Data references             : count=2623, sum=    185670, min=       9, average=       70,79, max=    4153, maxTarget=createPrinter
  ---------------------------   :
  Compilation Tier 2            :
    Compilation Rate            :    141825,62 bytes/second
    Truffle Tier Rate           :    397107,38 bytes/second
    Graal Tier Rate             :    243094,58 bytes/second
    Installation Rate           :   4122848,22 bytes/second
    Time for compilation (us)   : count= 123, sum=  11418247, min=     745, average=    92831,28, max=  456707, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      Truffle Tier (us)         : count= 120, sum=   4077990, min=     288, average=    33983,25, max=  152158, maxTarget=WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode@72d2eaac typescript-polybench.js:16129~ 'utf8ToBytes'<OSR>
      Graal Tier (us)           : count= 120, sum=   6661604, min=     310, average=    55513,37, max=  343028, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      Code Installation (us)    : count= 120, sum=    392786, min=      42, average=     3273,22, max=   68576, maxTarget=JSArrayBufferView.@52bcd02
    Graal node count            :
      After Truffle Tier        : count= 125, sum=    331695, min=      13, average=     2653,56, max=   11989, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      After Graal Tier          : count= 120, sum=    432639, min=      46, average=     3605,33, max=   19199, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
    Graal compilation result    :
      Code size                 : count= 120, sum=   1619400, min=     192, average=    13495,00, max=   72744, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      Total frame size          : count= 120, sum=     25728, min=      48, average=      214,40, max=     768, maxTarget=bindEach <split-2459>
      Exception handlers        : count= 120, sum=      1080, min=       0, average=        9,00, max=      84, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
      Infopoints                : count= 120, sum=      7236, min=       3, average=       60,30, max=     401, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
        CALL                    : count= 120, sum=      7236, min=       3, average=       60,30, max=     401, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration
    Marks                       : count= 120, sum=      1116, min=       5, average=        9,30, max=      35, maxTarget=checkIndexConstraintForProperty
    Data references             : count= 120, sum=     25252, min=       4, average=      210,43, max=    1369, maxTarget=checkSignatureDeclaration


  Graal nodes after Truffle tier                    :
      FrameState                                    : count= 168, sum=   35502, min=       1, average=      211.32, max=    2048, maxTarget=deltaBlue
      FixedGuardNode                                : count= 168, sum=   18939, min=       0, average=      112.73, max=    1048, maxTarget=change
      LoadFieldNode                                 : count= 168, sum=   14432, min=       0, average=       85.90, max=     814, maxTarget=EditConstraint
  Graal nodes after Graal tier                      :
      BeginNode                                     : count= 166, sum=   33333, min=       0, average=      200.80, max=    2110, maxTarget=change
      FrameState                                    : count= 166, sum=   30591, min=       0, average=      184.28, max=    2393, maxTarget=MeasureDefault
      AMD64AddressNode                              : count= 166, sum=   20072, min=       0, average=      120.92, max=    1960, maxTarget=MeasureDefault


[engine] Expansion tree for test after truffleTier:
Name                                                                                Frequency | Count    Size  Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | Self Count  Size Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | IRNode ASTNode Lang:File:Line:Chars
<root>                                                                                   1.00 |    64      72      42     1     1       0      1 |         34    20      0     0     0       0      0 |  -
 OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(Object)                                              1.00 |    30      52      42     1     1       0      1 |          1     2      2     0     0       0      0 |    121
  OptimizedCallTarget.injectArgumentsProfile(Object)                                     1.00 |     9      19      16     0     0       0      0 |          4     3      0     0     0       0      0 |      5
   OptimizedCallTarget.unsafeCast(Object, Class, Z, Z, Z)                                1.00 |     1       0       0     0     0       0      0 |          1     0      0     0     0       0      0 |     10
   OptimizedCallTarget.castArgumentsImpl(Object, Class)                                  1.00 |     4      16      16     0     0       0      0 |          4    16     16     0     0       0      0 |     12
  OptimizedCallTarget.executeRootNode(VirtualFrame)                                      1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
   JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                 1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     34       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
    JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.getRealm()                                           1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              0 js:test.js:1:0-100
     JSContext.getRealm()                                                                1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
      PolyglotReferences$AssumeSingleContext.get()                                       1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
       PolyglotReferences$WeakSingleContext.get()                                        1.00 |     1       1       0     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     37
    FunctionRootNode.executeInRealm(VirtualFrame)                                        1.00 |    18      29      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     41       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
     FunctionBodyNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                              1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              1 js:test.js:1:0-100
      AbstractBlockNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                            1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
       AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)                 1.00 |    16      20      16     1     1       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     50       2 js:test.js:1:16-100
        WhileNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                                              1.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              7 js:test.js:3:35-84
         OptimizedOSRLoopNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                    101.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          4     3      2     0     1       0      0 |     46       8 js:test.js:3:35-84
          RepeatingNode.executeRepeatingWithValue(VirtualFrame)                          1.00 |    11      16      14     1     0       0      0 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |    100       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
           WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating(VirtualFrame)               101.00 |    10      15      14     1     0       0      0 |          3     2      1     1     0       0      0 |     63       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
            AbstractRepeatingNode.executeCondition(VirtualFrame)                       101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              9 js:test.js:3:35-84
             StatementNode.executeConditionAsBoolean(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode)     101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
              JSLessThanNodeGen.executeBoolean(VirtualFrame)                           101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             10 js:test.js:3:51-58
               JSLessThanNodeGen.executeBoolean_int_int0(VirtualFrame, J)              101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                JSLessThanNode.doInt(I, I)                                             101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      1     0     0       0      0 |     59      10 js:test.js:3:51-58
            AbstractRepeatingNode.executeBody(VirtualFrame)                            101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              9 js:test.js:3:35-84
             AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                               101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
              AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)        101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             13 js:test.js:3:35-84
               JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
                JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
                 JSAddNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                                 101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                  JSAddNode.doInt(I, I)                                                101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                   Math.addExact(I, I)                                                 100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     75      15 js:test.js:4:71-74
                LocalVarPostfixIncNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                     101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             18 js:test.js:3:60-63
                 LocalVarPostfixIncNode.doInt(Frame)                                   101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             18 js:test.js:3:60-63
                  LocalVarIncNode$IncOp.doInt(I)                                       101.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
                   Math.addExact(I, I)                                                 100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     85
       AbstractBlockNode.executeGeneric(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)              1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              2 js:test.js:1:16-100
        ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                      1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             20 js:test.js:6:87-98
         JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.execute(VirtualFrame)                             1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |
          Integer.valueOf(I)                                                             1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          1     8      8     0     0       0      1 |    139      21 js:test.js:6:94-97


[engine] Expansion tree for test after truffleTier:
Name                                                       Frequency | Count    Size  Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | Self Count  Size Cycles   Ifs Loops Invokes Allocs | IRNode ASTNode Lang:File:Line:Chars
<call-root>                                                     1.00 |    64      72      42     1     1       0      1 |         44    41     18     0     0       0      0 |      0
 FunctionRootNode                                               1.00 |    20      31      24     1     1       0      1 |          3     3      0     0     0       0      0 |     34       0 js:test.js:1:0-100
  FunctionBodyNode                                              1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              1 js:test.js:1:0-100
   ExprBlockNode                                                1.00 |    17      28      24     1     1       0      1 |          1     1      0     0     0       0      0 |     50       2 js:test.js:1:16-100
    WhileNode                                                   1.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |              7 js:test.js:3:35-84
     OptimizedOSRLoopNode$OptimizedDefaultOSRLoopNode         101.00 |    15      19      16     1     1       0      0 |          4     3      2     0     1       0      0 |     46       8 js:test.js:3:35-84
      WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode                          101.00 |    11      16      14     1     0       0      0 |          4     3      1     1     0       0      0 |    100       9 js:test.js:3:35-84
       JSLessThanNodeGen                                      101.00 |     1       1       1     0     0       0      0 |          1     1      1     0     0       0      0 |     59      10 js:test.js:3:51-58
       VoidBlockNode                                          101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             13 js:test.js:3:35-84
        JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                        101.00 |     6      12      12     0     0       0      0 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             14 js:test.js:4:71-79
         JSAddNodeGen                                         100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     75      15 js:test.js:4:71-74
         LocalVarPostfixIncNodeGen                            100.00 |     3       6       6     0     0       0      0 |          3     6      6     0     0       0      0 |     85      18 js:test.js:3:60-63
    ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode                       1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          0     0      0     0     0       0      0 |             20 js:test.js:6:87-98
     JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                              1.00 |     1       8       8     0     0       0      1 |          1     8      8     0     0       0      1 |    139      21 js:test.js:6:94-97


[engine] Method expansion statistics after truffleTier:
Name                                                                       Count IR Nodes (min avg max)        Size (min avg max)      Cycles (min avg max)       Ifs  Loops Invokes Allocs | Max IRNode ASTNode Unit:Lang:File:Line:Chars
  <no-source-position>                                                         1      212 (212 212.0 212)       117 (117 117.0 117)         0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |          0         mandelbrot
  OptimizedOSRLoopNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                   4       13 (0 3.3 5)               9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)             0      3       0      0 |        172      60 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  Math.addExact(I, I)                                                          4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
  WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating(VirtualFrame)                4        9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)               3 (0 0.8 1)             3      0       0      0 |         88      17 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2374-3431
  JSTypes.intToDouble(I)                                                       7        7 (1 1.0 1)               7 (1 1.0 1)              24 (0 3.4 8)             0      0       0      0 |        144      41 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:62:2478-2486
  OptimizedCallTarget.castArgumentsImpl(Object, Class)                         1        7 (7 7.0 7)              25 (25 25.0 25)           24 (24 24.0 24)          0      0       0      0 |         12         mandelbrot
  JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                     6        6 (0 1.0 3)               4 (0 0.7 2)               2 (0 0.3 1)             2      0       0      0 |        563      46 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2519-2544
  AbstractBlockNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame, JavaScriptNode, I, I)            8        6 (0 0.8 4)               6 (0 0.8 4)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        177      39 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:61:2459-3416
  Math.multiplyExact(I, I)                                                     4        6 (1 1.5 2)              12 (2 3.0 4)              20 (4 5.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
  OptimizedCallTarget.injectArgumentsProfile(Object)                           1        4 (4 4.0 4)               3 (3 3.0 3)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |          5         mandelbrot
  JSMultiplyNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                4        4 (1 1.0 1)               4 (1 1.0 1)               8 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        280      75 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:70:2657-2663
  IfNode.executeVoid(VirtualFrame)                                             3        3 (0 1.0 3)               2 (0 0.7 2)               1 (0 0.3 1)             1      0       0      0 |        606     126 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3240-3397
  Math.subtractExact(I, I)                                                     1        3 (3 3.0 3)               6 (6 6.0 6)               6 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
  JSSubtractNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        167      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
  JSLessThanNode.doInt(I, I)                                                   3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
  JSAddNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                     3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
  JSDivideNode.doDouble(D, D)                                                  2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)              64 (32 32.0 32)          0      0       0      0 |        165      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
  JSBitwiseXorNode.doInteger(I, I)                                             2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
  JSEqualNode.doInt(I, I)                                                      2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
  RepeatingNode.executeRepeatingWithValue(VirtualFrame)                        4        1 (0 0.3 1)               1 (0 0.3 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        499      61 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  FunctionRootNode.executeInRealm(VirtualFrame)                                1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         53       0 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  OptimizedCallTarget.profiledPERoot(Object)                                   1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        737         mandelbrot
  PolyglotReferences$WeakSingleContext.get()                                   1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         41         mandelbrot
  JSLeftShiftNode.doInteger(I, I)                                              1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
  Integer.intValue()                                                           1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |         50       4 mandelbrot:js:1:0-0
  JSSubtractNode.doInt(I, I)                                                   2        1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)             0      0       0      0 |        940     136 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3282-3295
  JSLeftShiftConstantNode.doInteger(I)                                         1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        527     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  JSSubtractNodeGen.executeDouble(VirtualFrame)                                3        1 (0 0.3 1)               1 (0 0.3 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         33      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
  JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         74      19 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2381-2382
  Integer.valueOf(I)                                                           1        1 (1 1.0 1)               8 (8 8.0 8)               8 (8 8.0 8)             0      0       0      1 |        939     154 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:105:3442-3445
  JSBitwiseOrNode.doInteger(I, I)                                              1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
  JSGreaterThanNode.doDouble(D, D)                                             1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        461      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
  OptimizedCallTarget.unsafeCast(Object, Class, Z, Z, Z)                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         10         mandelbrot
  JavaScriptRealmBoundaryRootNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                        1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         38         mandelbrot
  JSLeftShiftConstantNodeGen.executeInt(VirtualFrame)                          1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  DualNode.execute(VirtualFrame)                                               1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  2 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447


[engine] Node expansion statistics after truffleTier:
Name                                                    Count IR Nodes (min avg max)        Size (min avg max)      Cycles (min avg max)       Ifs  Loops Invokes Allocs | Max IRNode ASTNode Unit:Lang:File:Line:Chars
  <call-root>                                               1      226 (226 226.0 226)       148 (148 148.0 148)        26 (26 26.0 26)          0      0       0      0 |          0         mandelbrot
  OptimizedOSRLoopNode$OptimizedDefaultOSRLoopNode          4       13 (0 3.3 5)               9 (0 2.3 3)               6 (0 1.5 2)             0      3       0      0 |        172      60 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  JSAddConstantRightNumberNodeGen                           4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
    [doInt(I)]                                              4       12 (3 3.0 3)              24 (6 6.0 6)              24 (6 6.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        485     103 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:80:2874-2875
  JSMultiplyNodeGen                                         6       11 (1 1.8 3)              17 (1 2.8 6)              28 (2 4.7 10)            0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
    [doIntALargerZero(I, I), doIntBLargerZero(I, I)]        2        6 (3 3.0 3)              12 (6 6.0 6)              20 (10 10.0 10)          0      0       0      0 |        155      49 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2529-2534
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        4        5 (1 1.3 2)               5 (1 1.3 2)               8 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        275      75 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:70:2657-2663
  WhileNode$WhileDoRepeatingNode                            4       10 (0 2.5 4)               7 (0 1.8 3)               3 (0 0.8 1)             3      0       0      0 |        499      61 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2589-2888
  JSSubtractNodeGen                                         5        9 (1 1.8 3)              12 (1 2.4 6)              10 (1 2.0 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        3        5 (1 1.7 2)               5 (1 1.7 2)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         33      47 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2544
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           2        4 (1 2.0 3)               7 (1 3.5 6)               7 (1 3.5 6)             0      0       0      0 |        589     129 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3249-3257
  JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                           18        7 (0 0.4 3)               5 (0 0.3 2)               2 (0 0.1 1)             2      0       0      0 |        563      46 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2519-2544
  JSDivideNodeGen                                           2        5 (2 2.5 3)               5 (2 2.5 3)              88 (40 44.0 48)          0      0       0      0 |        158      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        2        5 (2 2.5 3)               5 (2 2.5 3)              88 (40 44.0 48)          0      0       0      0 |        158      48 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:64:2528-2540
  VoidBlockNode                                             7        5 (0 0.7 4)               5 (0 0.7 4)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |        177      39 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:61:2459-3416
  JSAddNodeGen                                              3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        263      67 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:69:2623-2639
  JSLessThanNodeGen                                         3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           3        3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)               3 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        187      62 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:68:2596-2602
  IfNode                                                    4        3 (0 0.8 3)               2 (0 0.5 2)               1 (0 0.3 1)             1      0       0      0 |        606     126 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3240-3397
  JSGreaterThanNodeGen                                      1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        460      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
    [doDouble(D, D)]                                        1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |        460      93 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:76:2800-2815
  JSBitwiseXorNodeGen                                       2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        575     119 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:90:3170-3173
  JSLeftShiftConstantNodeGen                                1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
    [doInteger(I)]                                          1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |         36     107 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2922
  JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                             2        2 (1 1.0 1)               9 (1 4.5 8)               8 (0 4.0 8)             0      0       0      1 |         74      19 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2381-2382
  JSEqualNodeGen                                            2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
    [doInt(I, I)]                                           2        2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)               2 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        592     127 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:93:3244-3257
  FunctionRootNode                                          1        2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         53       0 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  ExprBlockNode                                             1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |         69       5 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2305-3447
  JSBitwiseOrNodeGen                                        1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        532     106 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:83:2907-2931
  AccessIndexedArgumentNode                                 1        1 (1 1.0 1)               2 (2 2.0 2)               2 (2 2.0 2)             0      0       0      0 |         50       4 mandelbrot:js:1:0-0
  JSLeftShiftNodeGen                                        2        1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)               1 (0 0.5 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
    [doInteger(I, I)]                                       1        1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)               1 (1 1.0 1)             0      0       0      0 |        619     134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
    <unknown>                                               1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                134 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:94:3269-3277
  FunctionBodyNode                                          1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  1 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  ReturnNode$TerminalPositionReturnNode                     1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                153 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:105:3435-3445
  DualNode                                                  1        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                  2 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2279-3447
  WhileNode                                                 4        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                 15 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:57:2374-3431
  DirectBreakTargetNode                                     2        0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)               0 (0 0.0 0)             0      0       0      0 |                 14 mandelbrot:js:mandelbrot.js:50:2305-3447


Execution profile (sorted by hotness)
  0: *******************************************************************************
  1: [bci: 2]
[0] count = 22525269$ConstructDateNode.constructDateZero( [bci: 6]
[1] count = 69510


Execution profile (sorted by hotness)
  2: ***************
  1: **************
  5: *************
  4: ************
  3: *********
 10: **
  8: *
  9: *
 14: *
 ... [bci: 55]
[2] state = BOTH(if=36486564#, else=44603498#) [bci: 12]
[1] state = BOTH(if=72572593#, else=1305851#) [bci: 18]
[5] state = BOTH(if=38703322#, else=32550439#)$PrototypeShapeCheckNode.accept( [bci: 4]
[4] state = ELSE(if=0#, else=64094316#)$WhileDoRepeatingNode.executeRepeating( [bci: 5]
[3] state = BOTH(if=44392142#, else=7096299#)

--engine.SpecializationStatisticsコマンドは、ノード・クラスおよびTruffle DSLの特殊化の使用状況に関する詳細なヒストグラムを出力します。使用方法のチュートリアルについては、Specialization Statisticsを参照してください。

ノート: 特殊化統計では、インタプリタの再コンパイルが必要です。

| Name                                                                         Instances          Executions     Executions per instance
| JSWriteCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                                               8 (17%)            18 (12%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.25 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doBoolean <boolean>                                                          1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~4:52-71
|   doInt <int>                                                                  1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doSafeIntegerInt                                                             0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doSafeInteger                                                                0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doLong                                                                       0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doDouble                                                                     0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doObject                                                                     7 (88%)            16 (89%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.29 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <DynamicObjectBasic>                                                         6 (86%)            12 (75%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <IteratorRecord>                                                             1 (14%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~1-8:16-130
|     <String>                                                                     2 (29%)             2 (13%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     <Integer>                                                                    1 (14%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~6:105-123
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   [doBoolean]                                                                  1 (13%)             1 (6%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~4:52-71
|   [doInt, doObject]                                                            1 (13%)             4 (22%)        Min=         4 Avg=        4.00 Max=          4  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     doInt                                                                        1 (100%)            1 (25%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|     doObject                                                                     1 (100%)            3 (75%)        Min=         3 Avg=        3.00 Max=          3  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   [doObject]                                                                   6 (75%)            13 (72%)        Min=         1 Avg=        2.17 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
| Name                                                                         Instances          Executions     Executions per instance
| JSReadCurrentFrameSlotNodeGen                                                8 (17%)            25 (17%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.13 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doBoolean                                                                    0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doInt <no-args>                                                              1 (13%)             1 (4%)         Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|   doDouble                                                                     0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   doObject <no-args>                                                           8 (100%)           24 (96%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128
|   doSafeInteger                                                                0 (0%)              0 (0%)         Min=         0 Avg=        0.00 Max=          0  MaxNode=  -
|   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   [doInt, doObject]                                                            1 (13%)             4 (16%)        Min=         4 Avg=        4.00 Max=          4  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|     doInt                                                                        1 (100%)            1 (25%)        Min=         1 Avg=        1.00 Max=          1  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|     doObject                                                                     1 (100%)            3 (75%)        Min=         3 Avg=        3.00 Max=          3  MaxNode= test.js~5:81-87
|   [doObject]                                                                   7 (88%)            21 (84%)        Min=         1 Avg=        3.00 Max=          5  MaxNode= test.js~5-7:76-128





--engine.TraceCompilationオプションは、[engine] opt deopt接頭辞付きの脱最適化を示します。これは、多くの脱最適化が発生したかどうかの評価に役立ちます。ただし、その他の詳細は表示されません。



ネイティブ・イメージでは、--engine.TraceTransferToInterpreterは脱最適化の正確なスタック・トレースを出力し、--vm.XX:+TraceDeoptimization --engine.NodeSourcePositionsと実質的に同じです。これは多くの場合、脱最適化が発生する場所をスタックトレースにより見つけるための最も効率的な方法です。

[Deoptimization initiated
    name: String#[]
    sp: 0x7ffd7b992710  ip: 0x7f26a8d8079f
    reason: TransferToInterpreter  action: InvalidateReprofile
    debugId: 25  speculation:$NoSpeculationReason@13dbed9e
    stack trace that triggered deoptimization:
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodesFactory$StringSubstringPrimitiveNodeFactory$StringSubstringPrimitiveNodeGen.execute(
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodes$GetIndexNode.substring(
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodes$GetIndexNode.getIndex(
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodesFactory$GetIndexNodeFactory$GetIndexNodeGen.execute(
        at org.truffleruby.language.RubyCoreMethodRootNode.execute(
[Deoptimization of frame
    name: String#[]
    sp: 0x7ffd7b992710  ip: 0x7f26a8d8079f
    stack trace where execution continues:
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodesFactory$StringSubstringPrimitiveNodeFactory$StringSubstringPrimitiveNodeGen.execute( bci 99  return address 0x4199a1d
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodes$GetIndexNode.substring( bci 32 duringCall  return address 0x41608e0
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodes$GetIndexNode.getIndex( bci 25 duringCall  return address 0x415f197
        at org.truffleruby.core.string.StringNodesFactory$GetIndexNodeFactory$GetIndexNodeGen.execute( bci 109 duringCall  return address 0x4182391
        at org.truffleruby.language.RubyCoreMethodRootNode.execute( bci 14 duringCall  return address 0x4239a29
        at bci 9 duringCall  return address 0x3f1c4c9
        at bci 37 duringCall  return address 0x3f1d965


[engine] transferToInterpreter at
    Planner.incrementalAdd(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:597) <split-609bcfb6>
    Constraint.addConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:165) <split-7d94beb9>
    UnaryConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:219) <split-560348e6><builtin>:1) <split-1df8b5b8>
    EditConstraint(../../../../4dev/js-benchmarks/octane-deltablue.js:315) <split-23202fce>

HotSpotでは、--vm.XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions --vm.XX:+DebugNonSafepoints --vm.XX:+TraceDeoptimizationは、コードがTruuffleまたは従来のコンパイラでコンパイルされているかどうかにかかわらず、すべての脱最適化イベント(スタックトレースなし)を出力します。TraceDeoptimizationオプションでは、fastdebug JDKの使用が必要になる場合があります。

Uncommon trap   bci=9 pc=0x00000001097f2235, relative_pc=501,;Ljava/lang/Object;)I, debug_id=0
Uncommon trap occurred in compiler=JVMCI compile_id=2686 (JVMCI: installed code name=BinaryConstraint.output#2)  (@0x00000001097f2235) thread=5891 reason=transfer_to_interpreter action=reinterpret unloaded_class_index=-1 debug_id=0


[Deoptimization initiated
    name: BinaryConstraint.output
    sp: 0x7ffee7324d90  ip: 0x1126c51a8
    reason: TransferToInterpreter  action: InvalidateReprofile
    debugId: 3  speculation:$NoSpeculationReason@10f942aa0
[Deoptimization of frame
    name: BinaryConstraint.output
    sp: 0x7ffee7324d90  ip: 0x1126c51a8
    stack trace where execution continues:
        at bci 0  return address 0x10aab9e5e
            bci: 0  deoptMethodOffset: 35524160  deoptMethod: 0x10aab9e40  return address: 0x10aab9e5e  offset: 0
            slot 0  kind: Object  value:  offset: 64
            slot 1  kind: Object  value: [Ljava.lang.Object;@0x1144a7db0  offset: 56

これらのオプションの出力には、debugIdまたは debug_idが存在する可能性があります。このIDは、--vm.Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:1などを介してダンプも有効にした場合のみ設定できます(次を参照)。この場合、デバッグIDはIGVグラフ内のノードのIDに対応します。まず、関連するコンパイルの最初のフェーズを開きます。このIDは、IGVのノードで検索検索ボックスのid=NUMBERで検索でき、次にノード検索ウィンドウでノードNUMBERの検索を開くを選択して、次のフェーズで検索ボタンをクリックします。




--engine.TraceCompilationオプションは、[engine] opt inv.接頭辞を持つCallTargetの無効化も表示します。

Ideal Graph Visualizer

Ideal Graph Visualizer (IGV)は、Truffle ASTおよびGraalコンパイラ・グラフを理解するためのツールです。

一般的な使用方法は、--vm.Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:1 --vm.Dgraal.PrintGraph=Networkを使用して実行することです。これにより、Truffleフェーズを終了したときにTruffle AST、ゲスト言語のコール・グラフおよびGraalグラフが表示されます。-Dgraal.PrintGraph=Networkフラグを省略すると、ダンプ・ファイルはgraal_dumpsディレクトリに配置され、これはIGVで開く必要があります。



C1ビジュアライザは、GraalVMの低レベルIR (LIR)、レジスタ割当ておよびコード生成ステージを理解するためのツールです。こちらから入手できます。



--vm.XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions --vm.XX:+PrintAssemblyコマンドの組合せは、アセンブリ・コードを出力します。graal/compilermx hsdisを使用してhsdisをインストールするか、こちらから現在のディレクトリに手動でインストールする必要があります。

一般的には、--vm.Dgraal.Dump --vm.Dgraal.PrintBackendCFG=trueを使用します。ファイルはgraal_dumpsディレクトリに格納され、C1ビジュアライザで開く必要があります。


ノート: C1ビジュアライザでアセンブリ・コードを確認することもできます。
