Understanding PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager

Note: PeopleSoft supports a number of versions of UNIX and Linux in addition to Microsoft Windows. Throughout this documentation, we make reference to operating system configuration requirements. Where necessary, the documentation refers to specific operating systems by name. However, for simplicity the word UNIX refers to all UNIX-like operating systems, including Linux.

In any enterprise application, the ability to purge and archive transactional data is critical to data management. You need to have consistent methods to archive transactional data before your database increases to unmanageable sizes. PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager provides an integrated and consistent framework for archiving data from PeopleSoft applications.

Using a predefined template, you can select any queries and multiple objects that meet your archiving and restoration requirements. Leveraging the Archive Query in PeopleSoft Query, you can easily define your archive template.

To better manage the archive process, you don't have to make any commits to the database until the entire batch has completed.

PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager includes the following main elements:

  • Archive object definition.

    An archive object is a collection of tables that you archive. The object definition determines how you archive data from a table. For base tables within an archive object, PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager archives data based on a user specified query. For non-base tables within an archive object, PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager archives data based on the archived data of the base table. This implementation eliminates the requirement of having query definitions for non-base tables.

  • Archive query definition.

    PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager uses PeopleSoft Query to define selection criteria from the base table of the base archive object (for example, archive all rows in JRNL_HEADER where BUSINESS_UNIT = 'ABC01').

  • Archive template definition.

    An archive template can contain multiple objects and multiple queries. One of the archive objects in the archive template must be a base object. You can simply define the selection criteria to archive from the base table without specifying criteria for all records in the archive template. Within the archive template, you must specify the AE processes to run before and after the data has been archived, for each of the archiving processes.

  • Archive job definition.

    You define archive jobs to archive data to history. Before you submit an archive job, you must first define the archive job information including the Archive Template, Archive Process, and Commit Processing. You can submit archive jobs in a batch using the process scheduler. As part of the process, PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager prompts you for run time parameters such as bind variables and the query to use.

  • Restore query definition.

    You define restore jobs to restore any subset of archived data to production tables. As with archive jobs, you must first define the job information, and then run the job using the process scheduler.

  • Archive auditing.

    To facilitate auditing, PeopleSoft Data Archive Manager retains a record of the following:

    • What process was executed.

    • Who ran the batch process.

    • When the process was executed.

    • Which Archive ID and record was affected.

    • What SQL statement was executed.